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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 26, 2020 - School Board Special Meeting
Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve Amendment to School Board Policy 6.80, Transportation of School Children (Mrs. Bullock)

There is currently no School Board Policy which addresses the occasional need for transportation of school children to be transported to essential activities (medical and education enhancement) by non-employees of the School District utilizing School Board Owned passenger vehicles ("white fleet").  Employees of the Children's Home Society who are working at Clay schools as part of the Clay Community Partnership School Project have need of the ability to perform such transport.  Transport would be for essential activities, would occur after consent is obtained from parents and the school or district administration and their vehicle use would be monitored.  Florida Statute 1006.22(1)(b) requires that policy must be adopted to implement procedures to be utilized in implementing this activity.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Approval of this item will allow specified individuals who are not employed by the School Board to transport students at certain specified schools off campus to attend to specified activities using district owned passenger vehicles.

Strategic Plan Goal

Provide access to essential services for students in the Clay Community Partnership School Project


Approve the advertisement and notice of public hearing to Approve Amendment to School Board Policy 6.80, Transportation of School Children

Tina Bullock, School Board Member; J. Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney
Financial Impact
Undetermined at this time.
Review Comments
APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE and Public Hearing SB Policy 6.80.pdf
Proposed School Board Policy 6.docx Amended (2).docx REVISED FINAL.pdf