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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 3, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
C10 - Approval for the Purchase of Achieve3000 Blended Literacy Solution for 2023-2024 (pulled by Mrs. Hanson)

Achieve3000 Literacy provides individual reading levels for each student, text sets, and activities aligned to the Florida Standards and the child’s appropriate level to encourage reading progress and mastery of the standards on a blended learning platform. Achieve3000 Literacy is one of the nation’s leaders in differentiated literacy solutions focused on meeting the needs of each student. Embedded and benchmark assessments provide precise information about each student’s reading level to know your students’ reading abilities right from the start. Activities provided to students in ELA, social studies, and science classes are provided access to grade-level, standards-aligned content differentiated to 12 Lexile levels in English and 8 in Spanish. The lesson interface offers greater accessibility to students at all levels. Expected growth is based on MetaMetrics’s proprietary formula, which considers the student’s reading level and the length of time they will be engaged in instruction. Accelerated growth is any growth above a student’s expected growth and is shown for students who complete 1-2 lessons per week and those who complete two or more. Students, teachers, and leaders can share insights to engage and motivate students with a common understanding of their individualized goals, clear progress monitoring, and opportunities to celebrate their achievements throughout the year.

Gap Analysis

Remediation and enrichment activities are paramount in assisting students in reaching their full potential based on their individual reading level. Text selections with standards-aligned questions that provide multiple perspectives from multiple genres are needed to meet the demands of the standards. The increased emphasis on technology mandates the need to incorporate blended learning opportunities daily.

Opportunities to differentiate, engage and accelerate growth through teacher-delivered lessons that embed practices for all learners. Achieve3000 Literacy allows teachers to teach the same lesson to the entire class while differentiating based on individual student Lexile Levels. Remediation occurs through lessons that align to standards and provide students skill building for comprehension and vocabulary based on ongoing Lexile Level sets.

The incorporation of Achieve3000 Literacy in the instructional day has been successful. Continual assistance for teachers using available data to determine instructional next steps and selecting reading materials that meet the text complexity necessary to increase student achievement will be provided throughout the school year.

Previous Outcomes

The district demonstrated a proficiency rate of 56.4% in grades 3-10 based on the state assessment.

Expected Outcomes

The district will increase ELA Reading proficiency in grades 3-10 and set proficiency targets in 2023-24 based on proficiency achievement data from the 2022-23 school year.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1: Student Success

Strategy 1: Strengthen our high-quality instructional system through increased alignment to state standards, with an emphasis on literacy.


The School Board approve the Purchase of Achieve3000 Blended Literacy Solution for 2023-2024.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
The fiscal impact for the 2023-24 school year will not exceed $619,995 using funds from SAI allocation and Title II.
Review Comments
230157 Achieve 3000 (1).pdf