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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 3, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
C23 - Change Order #2 for Middleburg High School Cafeteria Expansion

Change Orders are initiated by the Contractor, Architect/Engineer or Owner, and may increase or decrease the scope of the project as defined by the plans and specifications. Change Orders are reviewed by the Architect/Engineer and staff prior to submission to the School Board for approval. This change order is the result of demolition of electrical outlets, rebar reinforcement in the concrete flooring, and additional required kitchen equipment.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Construction will proceed immediately translating to an on time completion.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure fiscal responsibility through the effective management of district operations in an effort to maximize available resources necessary to provide an environment that is safe, efficient, and conducive to learning.


Approve Change Order #2.

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, (904) 336-6853,,
Michael Kemp, Director of Facility Planning & Construction, (904) 336-6824,
Financial Impact
This change order will increase the contract amount by $51,371.26. Architect fees, contracted at 8.5%, will increase by $4,366.56 as a result of this change order. These funds are available and budgeted in the Educational Facilities Work Plan.
Review Comments
MHS Cafeteria Expansion CO #2.pdf