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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 3, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
C2 - Lightspeed Systems

Lightspeed Systems includes the Lightspeed internet content filter, Lightspeed Mobile Device Management, Lightspeed Alert, and Lightspeed Classroom Management.


Lightspeed internet content filter is the component used to prevent students from accessing websites inappropriate to students.

Lightspeed Mobile Device Management is installed on non-managed devices, such as cell phones, to provide enterprise management.

Lightspeed Alert is the safety component that analyzes student communications and documents for language indicating self-harm or harm to others in order for Climate and Culture to provide counseling.

Lightspeed Classroom Management provides classroom teachers the ability to view, monitor, and manage their students' Internet activity in real time.


This purchase moves the cost of Lightspeed Components from a per-device licensing model to an FTE based model.

Gap Analysis

These are the same services as previous years. This purchase is a realignment of the purchasing structure from a per-device to an FTE model.

Previous Outcomes

Previous to this purchase, licenses were purchased per-device.

Expected Outcomes

Having more devices than students overall means that an FTE model will show an overall savings.

Strategic Plan Goal

GOAL 4 - Safe and positive learning environment

Strengthen the overall physical and emotional environment to foster an environment of safety

and belonging for students, staff, and all stakeholders.

Strategy 4.1: Enhance supports surrounding student mental health and wellness.

Strategy 4.2: Cultivate and sustain resilience, respect and positive behavior through the training and implementation of student-centered, evidenced-based practices.


GOAL 5 - Fiscal and Operational Efficiency

Strategy 5.4 Enhance fiscal practices that enable the district to maximize effectiveness and efficiency.

Key Activity 5.4.1 Analyze our existing purchasing and contract procedures to create a more streamlined user-friendly process.


Strategy 5.5 Enhance the technology infrastructure in all school and district spaces to support teaching, learning, communications, and operations.

Key Activity 5.5.4 Continue to provide all students and staff ubiquitous access to approved online applications, resources, and tools necessary for teaching, learning, communications, and operations.

Key Activity 5.5.6 Improve cybersecurity posture.


The recommendation is to approve the purchase of Lightspeed Systems.

Ethan Caren, Director of Information Services,
Financial Impact
This purchase amount is $178,255.80. The FTE model will save $11,695.80 per year.
Review Comments
230180 Lightspeed Systems.pdf