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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 2, 2023 - School Board Regular Meeting
Recognize Fleming Island Elementary as a Purple Star School of Distinction

the Purple Star School of Distinction Designation, established by the Florida Legislature (House Bill 429), recognizes schools that support the unique needs of military families.  Military families are supported through the implementation of activities such as:

  • Highlighting annual military recognition events
  • Publicizing support for military students and families
  • Providing opportunities for active-duty parents to volunteer at the school
  • Participating in one or more service projects that connect the school with the military community

Fleming Island elementary will maintain its designation as a Purple Star School of Distinction for three (3) school years.

Gap Analysis
Previous Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
Strategic Plan Goal

Recognition only.

Bonnie O'Nora, Board Assistant,
Financial Impact
Review Comments

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