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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 3, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - MOU Between University of South Florida Board of Trustees and The School Board of Clay County

The Florida Department of Education and USF have partnered to create the Florida Problem Solving/Response to Intervention Project (“Project”) to help facilitate the statewide implementation of a problem-solving and response-to-intervention model. The Project supports districts and schools with their multi-tiered system of supports (“MTSS”) regarding assessment, instruction, and intervention across the tiers; data-based problem solving; leveraging technology; and universal education. The Project provides Florida educators training, technical assistance, and other support to facilitate the utilization of MTSS to promote the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional growth of all students. This will provide leaders and educators in Clay County District Schools to participate in and use the training, technical assistance, and other support available through the Project.

Gap Analysis

Approval of this Memorandum of Understanding will authorize the use of the “MOU” between the University of South Florida Board of Trustees, a public body corporate (“USF’) and The School Board of Clay County, Florida to provide consultation and professional learning support to help identify needs and attain goals for student learning.

Previous Outcomes

A previous collaboration between Florida’s PS/RtI Project (University of South Florida) and Clay County District Schools (2009-2011) resulted in an increased district-wide understanding of the implementation of the MTSS Framework at all tiers (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) and collective district-wide implementation of the 4-Step Problem-Solving process for increased student achievement.

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that Clay County District Schools will use the (“MOU”) to engage in mutual and transparent collaboration and problem-solving to promote continuous improvement and progress towards identified goals and for the purpose of problem-solving and continuous improvement of (“MTSS”) procedures and student outcomes.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal: 1. Develop Great Educators and Leaders

Strategy:  1.1 Provide teachers and students with the tools and resources necessary to meet the demands of the Florida Standards and the students’ individual needs.


That the Clay County School Board approve Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be used to provide support and technical assistance with ongoing facilitation of district-wide implementation of multi-tiered system of supports (“MTSS”) in regards to assessment, instruction, and intervention with all students.

Heather Teto, Chief of Elementary Education, 904-336-6904 and Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, 904-336-6507
Financial Impact
Review Comments
MOU--Clay County--Dec 2021 (2).pdf