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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 3, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C20 - Davis Demographics – Independent Services/Support Agreement for Clay County District Schools

Davis Demographics and Planning (DDP) will provide managed demographic and data support services to include conducting an extensive annual school and student demographic study of Clay County and district schools.  The study will geocode student address points from four years of district data, create and update streets, parcels, small planning areas, research and analyze demographic statistics of housing starts, population, household growth, birth rates and migration trends.  In addition, DDP will create updated computer GIS maps from district, local, county, and other GIS sources and provide 10 years of comprehensive detailed student forecasts by residency.  All maps, data, geocoding, student forecasts and student data will be entered in their proprietary SchoolSite planning software in which CCDS currently holds a license.  Finally, the ATLAS interactive portal is included and will provide insight and interactive information into future housing development, demographic statistics, and student residency.

Gap Analysis

Clay County will be experiencing significant housing growth over the next 10 years. The school district must be prepared from a planning perspective to meet the correlated demand in student growth.  A demographic study with managed service consulting support is needed to expand and enlarge our existing SchoolSite database to ensure accurate projections and forecasts are developed as we address redistricting due to anticipated growth and with the expected addition of 5-7 new schools in the next decade.

Previous Outcomes

Currently, in an annual agreement with this company for the use of both SchoolSite Tools which allows us to produce illustrative maps that produce layers containing demographic data in study areas for boundary re-alignment and forecasting; as well as, SchoolSite Locator, which allows stakeholders to geographically locate assigned schools based on address mapping technology. 

Expected Outcomes

The demographic study and service support will assist our Planning Department with updating and improving our GIS capabilities for forecasting, geocoding student data, and more productive mapping applications.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure effective management of the organization, operations, and facilities to maximize the use of resources and promote a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment for Clay County students.


Approve the Independent Services Agreement (3-yr with annual renewable option) with Davis Demographics. 

Lance Addison, Planning & Intergovernmental Relations, (904) 336-6852,
Dr. Michael Kemp, Director, Facility Planning & Construction, (904) 336-6824,
Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent Operations, (904) 336-6853,
Financial Impact
The initial cost of the contract for the first year is $56,000.00 and will be funded with General funds. Subsequent years 2 and 3 are $49,000.00 per year.
Review Comments
Davis Demographics Contract Review Form.pdf
Davis Demograpics Contract.pdf
Davis Demographic Study.pdf