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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 6, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
C3 - Notice of Public Hearing and Advertise Amendments to School Board of Clay County, Policy 6GX-10-1.03(C), The Superintendent of Schools; School Board Appointment of Temporary Interim Superintendent (Mrs. Kerekes) (Item pulled by Mrs. Gilhousen)

In the event that the office of Superintendent of School becomes vacant as defined by Florida law, and the Governor is not expected to act with haste to fill the position by appointing an interim, the School Board, by use of its home rule posers, can act to appoint an interim Superintendent of Schools who will serve at the pleasure of the Board until the Governor acts under his authority to appoint a “permanent” interim Superintendent.  

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Approval of this item will allow the School Board to exercise its home rule authority to appoint an interim Superintendent of Schools in the event that the office of Superintendent of School becomes vacant as defined by Florida law, and the Governor is not expected to act with haste to fill the position by appointing an interim. The School Board will be granted the authority to appoint an interim Superintendent of Schools who will serve at the pleasure of the Board until the Governor acts under his authority to appoint a “permanent” interim Superintendent.

Strategic Plan Goal



Approve for advertising.

Janice Kerekes, School Board member; J. Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney
Financial Impact
Undetermined at this time.
Review Comments
Policy 1.03 (C) School Board Appointment of Temporary Interim Superintendent.pdf
Notice of Public Hearing and Approval to Advertise SB Policy 1.03(C).pdf