Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
January 4, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C11 - 21st Century CCLC Grant Program Agreement

This agreement between SBCC and Health-Tech Consultants, Inc., concerns a grant from the Federal government and managed by the State of Florida. Health-Tech Consultants agrees to provide services for data collection, data analysis, and evaluative processes related to the grant.  Health-Tech Consultants, Inc., an independent contractor, has experience in developing surveys so that the District can accurately reflect the operational functioning of Clay County's deliverables.  This company helps to analyze the data collected and provide and works with the staff members assigned to the project so that reports to can be generated and sent to State and Federal agencies. The grant allows Clay County to conduct the program at 4 elementary schools: Montclair Elementary, Keystone Heights Elementary, Clay Hill Elementary, and Ridgeview Elementary.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

This grant is in the third year of a 5-year grant. The grant was reduced from Year 2 to Year 3 by approximately $120,000.  Due to the reduction, based on attendance criteria and grant structure, some services had to be reduced at the 4 schools.  The main reduction came in the form of the number of hours that we designated for instructional or support staff at the schools.  In addition, some ancillary services and vendors were not able to be added to the 2017-18 schedule as in previous years.  Even with this reduction, the 4 schools have the program operating in a successful manner (based on attendance and participation figures).

Expected Outcomes

The 4 elementary schools are providing services to the students assigned to their schools. Each school has been able to garner the support of the staff and fill their allotted hours for the program.  Once the surveys have been returned to the District program manager, data will be available to determine whether or not the communities were pleased with the services.  Other surveys will examine the benefits of the various programs offered during the daily schedule.

Strategic Plan Goal

The District will work closely with Health-Tech Consultants to ensure an accurate means of collecting data in order to evaluate the program.  Systems are in place, schools are familiar with those systems, and the appropriate personnel are aware of all deliverables.


Approval of the agreement with Health-Tech Consultants, Inc.

Terry Connor, Chief of Secondary Education, 904-652-3066,; Michael Wingate, Director of K-12 Academic Services, 904-336-6918,
Financial Impact
$12,018 (Funding Source: 0420.6100.0310.9019.4148)
Review Comments
January 2018 - 21st Century CCLC Grant Agreement.pdf