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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
January 6, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C6 - Ratification of the 2021-2022 Amendment to the 2020-2022 Master Contract between the Clay Educational Staff Professional Association and the Clay County School Board

Florida Statute requires the School Board to bargain collectively in the determination of wages, hours, and the terms and conditions of employment for its employees.  This Agreement must be signed and ratified by both the public employer and the public employees of the bargaining unit.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

Contract negotiations were previously presented to the Board for approval on January 7, 2021.  The Board ratified the contract on that day. 


Expected Outcomes

Approval of the contract revisions which settle the salary and working conditions for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 5.   Develop and support great educators, support employees, and leaders.



That the Clay County School Board approves contract language modifications and salary provisions to be incorporated into the 2021-2022 bargaining agreement with the Clay Educational Staff Professional Association.

Brenda G. Troutman, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 904.336.6701
Financial Impact
Salary Increase estimated District Financial Impact is $2.8 million. Bonuses provided through the American Relief Program Funding estimated cost is $3.1 million.
Review Comments
2021-2022 CESPA Ratification Summary (2).pdf