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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 27, 2024 - School Board Regular Meeting
C11 - Approval for the Purchase of Penda Learning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Penda Learning was implemented in Title I Elementary schools in the 2020-21 school year. The program was also piloted at three junior high schools and five high schools. Penda is a program that offers differentiated instructional modules that teachers can use to meet the needs of students at various achievement levels. The program also offers remediation modules to assist teachers and students with preparation for the Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) and End-of-Course (EOC) assessments.

Gap Analysis

Penda learning offers differentiated instructional and remediation modules for grades 3-8 and biology that allow teachers to meet the needs of every student in their classroom. Programs such as Penda are an essential component of blended learning, which is a necessity for student achievement. Each highly-engaging instructional module is aligned to our current Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) benchmarks and features differentiated instruction in the form of developing, achieving, and excelling modules for each benchmark. Lessons use real-world experiences and authentic situations to teach essential skills. Explicit instruction makes concepts concrete and addresses the root cause of any specific areas of student need. Penda’s automated reports provide insightful data to monitor progress and target interventions within a Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework.

Delivery is flexible: during school, before/after school, in-class/pull-out, summer school, at home, computer lab, and a host of other settings. Penda operates on a “gamification” platform, which allows students to choose virtual avatars from a highly diverse list so that students from all backgrounds can feel represented. Students are able to compete with classmates and unlock new accessories for their virtual avatars based on the points they earn from the modules.


Previous Outcomes

The schools that used the program demonstrated an overall increase on district local science assessments scores.  Penda experiences a high level of student usage in the 2023-24 school year.

Expected Outcomes

The district will increase proficiency in grades K-6 Reading/Math and set proficiency targets in 2024-25 based on proficiency achievement in 2022-23 and 2023-24. 

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1: Develop a High Quality & Aligned Instructional System

Strategy 1.1 Develop and maintain high quality curriculum frameworks and guides.

Strategy 1.4 Explore innovative program options for rigorous opportunities at the elementary and secondary levels.


That the School Board approve the purchase of Penda Learning for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Heather Teto, Chief of Elem. Educ. 904-336-6909;
Financial Impact
The cost is $293,194.75 for a one year contract period.
Review Comments
240187 Penda Learning.pdf