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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 30, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C16 - Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting

The School Board of Clay County must provide interpreters to meet current student needs. Students who are deaf/hard of hearing are entitled, under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), to district provided interpreters in order to participate successfully in their education. IDEA also requires school districts to arrange for an interpreter for parents who are hard of hearing or deaf to ensure they are afforded the opportunity to participate and understand the proceedings in IEP team meetings.

Gap Analysis

Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting provides educational interpreters to facilitate communication between students who are deaf or hard of hearing and others, including teachers, related service providers, and peers within the educational teacher/student dialogue, and relevant sound information in the mode of communication used by the student. Educational Interpreters also help ensure parents who are deaf or hard of hearing are afforded the opportunity to understand the proceedings in IEP team meetings. Interpreters are extremely difficult to hire directly as school board employees. Contracting with Alonzo Sign Language Interpreters ensures that the district meets the IDEA requirements of a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for all students with disabilities.

Previous Outcomes

The district has contracted services with Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting for a number of students and parents who are deaf or hard of hearing since 2011. This organization provides exemplary service to the district.

Expected Outcomes

Educational Interpreters will help meet the unique needs of students who are deaf or hard of hearing by providing communication access which in turn will improve the student’s cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development. The district will continue to contract with Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting for students and parents who are deaf or hard of hearing and require interpreting services in the educational environment.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1: Develop Great Educators and Leaders

Strategy 1.3: Prepare all students to be full option graduates who are prepared for college, eligible to enlist in military services, or able to compete in the workforce.


The approval of the Independent Services Contract for the 2022-2023 with Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting, LLC.

Melanie Sanders, Director, ESE, 904-336-6866,
Heather Teto, Chief of Elementary Education, 904-336-6906,
Financial Impact
The projected cost of implementing this contractual agreement is about $440,000.00. Funding Source 0100.5200.310.9005.0000
Review Comments
220149 Alonzo Sign Language.pdf