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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 30, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C20 - 2022-2023 Clay County School Board Agreement with Flagler Health for BRAVE Program

Care Connect+ is a subsidiary of Flagler Health that provides a program called B.R.A.V.E.  This program  functions as a hub for behavioral health service referrals for Clay County District Schools. All of our mental health referrals are made to a confidential platform that is continually monitored and managed by Care Connect+ staff.  The referrals are assessed based upon need, geography, and insurance status to connect the student to the approporate community partner who serve students on school site. Agreements will be in place with each of our community partners acknowledging this referral system.  The benefits to this program include increased efficiency and efficacy in connecting our students to services.  Senate Bill 7030 requires that our student mental health referrals are assessed within 15 days of referral and connected to services within 30 days of referral.  This program enables an efficient method of monitoring these timelines and ensuring that students are connected with the ideal provider for their particular needs and situation.  Care Connect+ will remain in continual contact with the Supervisor of Mental Health and Wellness to ensure services are meeting the required timelines, as well as to remain updated on community provider statuses in services rendered.  Clay County District Schools will be invoiced on a regular basis by Care Connect+ to provide for any services needed for our students that are not funded by any other third party options (Medicaid, private insurance, etc.).  Total invoiced amount will not exceed $100,000.00.  When a community partner renders such services, the agency invoices Care Connect+ for reimbursement.  Care Connect+ provides assurance that services are being provided consistently and appropriately before disbursement of funds. 

Gap Analysis

The agreement provides an increase in the rate of students and families who connect with mental health services through care coordination and direct linkage with our community partners.  The overall administration of connecting and funding services to our students is extremely time consuming and has the potiential to lack efficiency due to the lack of technological platforms that support the work.  The particular challenge of monitoring deadlines of assessments and service connection has become a full time position in itself that we do not currently have an allocation to meet.  Entering into this agreement enables increased 1:1 time for all mental health staff to have with students, and improves overall efficiency of the process.

Previous Outcomes

The 2021-2022 Agreement provided services by outside providers to 514 students through the BRAVE program.  Data collected from the 2020-2021 School Year, prior to the use of the BRAVE platform, reflected 260 students were provided services by outside providers.  This indicates that the BRAVE program implementation nearly doubled the number of students who were able to receive mental health services from outside providers.

Expected Outcomes

This agreement will provide an increased number of students who have been referred for mental health services to be monitored and connected to the needed assistance by releasing the district clinical staff to have additional time for direct student contact.  This agreement will also provide an increased number of students who meet the deadlines of assessment within 15 days and service connection within 30 by the collaboration and oversight that the efficient platform enables.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 3: Establish a repectful climate and culture that provides equity and access to all

Strategy 3.2: Develop systems and processes that focus on developing the whole child


Recommend School Board approval of plan.

Heather McDonald, Supervisor for Mental Health and Wellness
Laura Fogarty, Director of Climate and Culture
Financial Impact
Review Comments
22-23 Flagler Hospital BRAVE Agenda Submission.pdf