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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C5 - Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for School Year 2024-25

Clay County District Schools establish student and teacher reporting hours on an annual basis. Additionally, common planning time is delineated for each school on a weekly basis. Common planning provides structured time during the school day for teachers to share instructional challenges, and best practices, as well as participate in sustained development activities. 

Gap Analysis

The use of Common planning time links collaboration among adults in schools with higher levels of teacher commitment, satisfaction, efficacy, and improved student outcomes. Common planning time has the potential to advance student achievement, teacher efficacy, and sustain effective learning environments.

Previous Outcomes

Clay County District Schools establishes daily school hours on an annual basis to accommodate the adjustments made for weekly common planning time. 

Expected Outcomes
  1. Grade levels and departments within schools will set and monitor student engagement and achievement goals and practices.
  2. Common Planning time will serve to assist teams of teachers to implement the district's instructional frameworks, curriculum guides, and new resources. 
  3. Common Planning time will serve schools and grade-levels/content teams to identify and use interventions that touch all students (e.g., positive behavior and incentive systems, active instruction, college/career awareness). 
Strategic Plan Goal
  • Goal 1: Engage all students to attain the necessary skills and knowledge to be future-ready graduates.

That the Clay County School Board approve the 2024-25 School Hours as submitted. 

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer,, 904.652.3066
Financial Impact
Review Comments
CCSD School-hours-2024-2025.pdf