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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - 2024-2025 Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Department of Military Affairs, State of Florida

A collaborative agreement between the National Guard (Department of Military Affairs) and the School Board of Clay County for the purpose of providing an alternative educational environment for students from across the state of Florida.  The 2024-2025 agreement allows for the continuation of  a long-standing relationship between the two organizations (since 2011).  Students from all 67 districts are eligible to attend FLYCA to either obtain a GED, participate in credit recovery courses (k-12), and/or obtain a high school diploma.  This agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities of the two organizations.

Gap Analysis

Through the intentional work and collaboration of the two organizations, Florida Youth Challenge Academy averages over 150 graduates per year.  The program seeks to increase the passage rate each year of the GED candidates and allows Track 1 students the ability to earn credit recovery opportunities in order to move toward earning a high school diploma upon return to the home school.  For the vast majority of cadets, the program at FLYCA is key to dropout prevention.

Previous Outcomes

During the 2024-2024 program year, Track 2 students have earned 91 diplomas, with 45 scheduled to take the final assessments before the program end date in June.  Individual exam completion rates thus far are: RLA 60%, Math 50%, Social Studies 61%, Science 71%. Track 1 cadets have recovered/earned a total of 167 high school credits utilizing the Edgenuity Software program.  During the 2023-2024 program year, 166 individual certifications were awarded to FLYCA cadets in the Microsoft Office platform, with 16 students awarded Microsoft Office Specialist.

Expected Outcomes

Track 1 cadets entering the program will continue to earn credit recovery grades in order to pursue a high school diploma upon their return to home schools.  The goal is for each Track 1 cadet to earn 3 high school credits or more while attending FLYCA.  Track 2 students are given the opportunity for extensive GED preparation in just over 5 months residency at Camp Blanding, with the end goal of 70% pass rate for each of the 4 sections of the GED.  The retention goal of all students entering the program at FLYCA is 80%.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1: Engage all students to atttain the necessary skills and knowledge to be future-ready graduates.

Strategy 1.3:  Graduate students who are ready to enroll, enlist, or be employed in the workforce.


Approval of the 2024-2025 Interagency Agreement.

Kristin Rousseau, Supervisory of Adult and Community Education,
Roger Daily, Chief Academic Officer,
Financial Impact
$575,000 will be paid by FLYCA to the District along with FTE/Workforce generated funds.
Review Comments
240179 Fl Youth Challenge (1).pdf