Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
March 7, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
C11 - English Language Learners (ELL) Plan

Florida school districts are required to abide by a set of assurances when developing and implementing programs and services to students classified as English Language Learners (ELLs), and are required to ensure school and district-level personnel comply with all the requirements and provisions set forth in the laws, rules, regulations and federal court orders.  Each school district is required to update, revise and submit for approval an ELL Plan every three years.

Gap Analysis

Each school district is required to update, revise and submit for approval an ELL Plan every three years.  

Previous Outcomes

The ELL Plan for Clay County District Schools was last updated and approved in school year 2015-16.

Expected Outcomes

The ELL Plan identifies and established policies and procedures for identifying students with limited English proficiency, instructional models for educating these students, assessment procedures for state required assessments and monitoring procedures along with parental notification of rights.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1: Develop a High Quality & Aligned Instructional System


Approve the English Language Learner (ELL) Plan

Financial Impact
Review Comments
District ELL Plan in WORD.DOCX.pdf