Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
March 7, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
C10 - Approve advertisement of proposed revisions to School Board Policy 4.29 VISITS IN THE SCHOOLS, and schedule the Public Hearing for April 4, 2019.

Policy 4.29 encourages patrons to visit schools as often as practical, suggesting only that visitors contact the principal's office for information and guidance.

To promote school safety, and support the learning environment for all campuses, proposed changes include recommendations for the following:

  • Visitors must have completed the district Volunteer Registration, and must sign in at the school administrative offices.
  • Parents/guardians seeking to observe in classrooms, must make the request a minimum of 48 hours prior to the requested visit, and must have the consent of administration.
  • School administration may limit the frequency of observations and the length of any single visit to a maximum of 2 hours.
  • Visitor activities in classrooms shall be limited as directed by administration and/or the classroom teacher.
  • For all requests to observe classrooms, the school administration shall comply with all requirements set forth in the CCEA master contract.
  • Any visitors disrupting the academic environment will be asked to leave the school campus.
Gap Analysis

Policy changes to support current safety procedures, as well as the academic environment of school campuses.

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Increased specificity in the requirements for school campus visitors will promote a safe and secure environment for all, and will support the integrity of teaching and learning without disruption.

Strategic Plan Goal

That the School Board approve advertisement of the revisions and additions to Board Policy 4.29: VISITS IN THE SCHOOLS, and set the Public Hearing date for April 4, 2019.

Terry Connor, Assistant Superintendent, (904) 336-6557
Financial Impact
Review Comments
4.29 Revision re Visits in Schools.pdf
4.29 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADVERTISE SB Policy - Google Docs.pdf