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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 3, 2020 - Regular Meeting and Public Hearing on the 2020-2021 Budget
C14 - Parent Liaison Services Contract 2020-2022 (two years)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires explicit activities to support the parents of students with disabilities.

The IDEA funded parent liaison serves as an advocate for parents, consults with school and district personnel, attends meetings as requested and provides other support, enhancing the participation of families in the eligibility and Individual Education Plan (IEP) process.

Gap Analysis

Parent services are a required component under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).   The parent liaison supports advocacy and training for parents of students with disabilities. The parent liaison collaborates with school personnel and parents/guardians to increase communication and meet student needs.  Utilizing a parent liaison has saved the district many thousands of dollars in potential due process and other legal proceedings. 

Previous Outcomes

The original contract with Ms. McElyea was approved in 2003.  Through the years, the IDEA funded parent liaison has established rapport and been the backbone for establishing a positive climate and culture with parents.  This additional support has kept the District from paying exorbitant fees associated with potential due process and other legal proceedings.   Ms. McElyea provides superb support to Clay County families, enhancing the work done by school personnel. 

Expected Outcomes

The ESE funded parent liaison effectively collaborates with school personnel and parents/guardians to increase communication and to meet student needs.    The continued utilization of the parent advocate improves student academic and behavioral outcomes, increases communication, and reduces conflict.  Using Ms. McElyea’s expertise increases parent satisfaction in the eligibility and IEP process.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1:  Develop Great Educators and Leaders

Strategy 1.3:  Prepare all students to be full option graduates who are prepared for college, eligible to enlist in military services, or able to compete in the workforce.


That the Clay county School Board approve Parent Liaison Services Contract 2020-2022.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904 Terry Roth, Director ESE, 904-336-6866,
Financial Impact
The projected cost of implementing this contractual agreement is about $64,000.00 over two years. Funding source: 0420.6150.390.9005.4100.1.
Review Comments
Approved McElyea.pdf