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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 1, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C7 - 2024-2025 Professional Development Advisory Council Membership

The purpose of the Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) is to assist the Professional Development office in planning, coordinating and making recommendations to the Clay County School Board to implement professional development activities.  PDAC meets a minimum of twice per year to collaborate on meaningful professional learning experiences throughout the district. The conversations that are held during these meetings help shape the trajectory of professional learning, leading to more effective professional learning opportunities, increased job satisfaction and improved student learning outcomes.

Gap Analysis

This council provides an opportunity for collaborative discussions in the area of professional learning by convening teachers, support employees, school leaders, and district leaders. Without this collaborative discussion, decisions about professional learning would be made in isolation, and would likely be less effective because the decisions would be made with a narrower perspective.

Previous Outcomes

PDAC has been meeting since 1995 upon the enactment of the The School Community Professional Development Act of 1995.

Expected Outcomes

The implementation of meaningful professional learning experiences for all CCDS employees as a result of the collaboration among the members of the council, resulting in increased learning outcomes for students. 

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 2: Talent Recruitment Development and Retention.  


Strategy 3: Retain employees through opportunities for growth and career development leading to high satisfaction and increased student outcomes.


That the School Board approve the 2024-2025 Professional Development Advisory Council Membership.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
Review Comments
2024-2025 PDAC Committee Board Approval (1).pdf