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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 5, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
C21 - Approve Standardized “Agreement” form to be used with reunification sites in the event of student/personnel emergency evacuation from school sites in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat

In the event of an active assailant event or other mass casualty threat, it is likely that the school site under threat would be evacuated of all students and school personnel. In the event of such an occurrence, each school will need to have an Agreement in place for a reunification site. Such an Agreement will exist for each school with one of 11 governmental or church sites. The Agreement being approved with this agenda item is a “Form” agreement which is standardized and can be modified with the names of the parties (the school and the reunification facility) and the appropriate administrator for each of the parties.

Gap Analysis

Approval of this “Form Agreement” will authorize the use of said Agreement in contracting with Reunification Centers to be used in the event of student /personnel emergency evacuation from any school site.

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the Operations Safety and Security personnel will use said Agreement in contracting with Reunification Centers to be used in the event of student /personnel emergency evacuation from any school site.

Strategic Plan Goal



Approve Standardized “Agreement” form to be used within contracting with reunification centers in the event of student/personnel emergency evacuation from school sites due to active assailant event or other mass casualty threat.

Stephen Mills, Supervisor, Operations Safety and Security; J. Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Reunification agreement_Standard FORM.pdf