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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
December 10, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - Professional Learning Catalog (Master In-service Plan)

The Florida legislature recognizes the importance of planning for developing human potential and requires each district to develop a comprehensive Professional Learning Catalog, which was formerly known as the Master In-service Plan. Each district is required to update, revise, and submit a Professional Learning Catalog to provide a detailed description of each professional learning component, to include the name of the component, general description, primary purpose, evaluation methods for staff and students, implementation method, learning methods and participation hours.  Each unique type of professional learning experience requires a corresponding component.

Gap Analysis

Just Read Florida has recently developed a professional development course that allows participants to receive credit for Reading Competency 1 and Reading Competency 2 in the same course.  The current Professional Learning Catalog does not have a component for this combination course, so a new component will need to be added to be able to offer this course for Clay County teachers.  


Furthermore, the maximum number of points allowable for the Administrator Development component is currently set to 120 points.  Individuals who completed the NEFEC Level 2 Principal Certification Program are eligible to receive 180 points for successful completion of this course.  The maximum number of points for the Administrator Development component will need to be increased in order to award these individuals full points for the program.


Additionally, several minor updates are needed to reflect the change in supervisor as well as to  correct the typos that are present in the existing Professional Learning Catalog.

Previous Outcomes

The CCDS Professional Learning Catalog was last revised in May 2020.

Expected Outcomes

The CCDS Professional Learning Catalog will include a component for the Reading Competency 1 & 2 Combination course so that this professional learning opportunity can be provided for Clay County teachers, participants in the NEFEC Level 2 Principal Certification program will be eligible to receive full points for completion of this program, and the catalog will reflect the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal:   Goal 1: Develop a High Quality & Aligned Instructional System

Strategy:  1.1.2 Provide support for effective professional development necessary to assist teachers with providing high quality instruction.


That the Clay County School Board approve the CCDS Professional Learning Catalog.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904 Financial Impact
Financial Impact
$0.00 (include funding source)
Review Comments
Summary of Revisions to Professional Learning Catalog.pdf
professional-learning-catalog-2020-21_Draft with Revisions_Dec 2020.pdf