Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 1, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C10 - Clarke School for the Deaf Agreement 2017-18.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that students with disabilities, prekindergarten through 22 years old, be provided a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment.  In a few cases, FAPE is provided through contracted services with the Clarke School.

Gap Analysis

Clarke School for Hearing and Speech provides specialized services to children who are deaf/hard of hearing.  The district contracts with Clarke to serve preschool age students or those students who are not otherwise eligible for a McKay scholarship.  The focus on auditory/oral education to improve listening, learning, and spoken language skills requires extensive training and accessing Clarke services through an Agreement is a less expensive alternative to providing those services in-house.

Previous Outcomes

The district has contracted services with Clarke School for a small number of students with disabilities since 2008.

2008-2009 (5 students), 2009-2010 (5 students), 2010-2011 (12 students), 2011-2012 (12 students), 2012-2013 (6 students), 2013-2014 (6 students), 2014-2015 (5 students), 2015-2016 (5 students), 2016-2017 (4 students), 2017-2018 (4 students).

Expected Outcomes

The district will continue to contract with Clarke School for the small number students who require auditory/oral education services.

Strategic Plan Goal



Approve Agreement as submitted.

Mr. Michael McAuley, Assistant Superintendent of Climate and Culture, 904-336-6513, Terry D. Roth, Director, Exceptional Student Education and Student Services, 904-336-6866,
Financial Impact
The projected cost of implementing this contractual agreement is about $115,285. This contract passes the FTE earned for each eligible student to the Clarke School. Providing similar services in a Clay County Public School would be at a greater cost.
Review Comments
Clarke Schools Hearing and Speech 17 18.pdf