District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street & Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL | |||
February 23, 2021 - School Board Workshop | |||
Date: Feb 23 2021
(9:00 a.m.)
Invocation (Mary Bolla) | |||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie) | |||
Workshop Items | |||
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on March 4, 2021 | |||
March-4-2021-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet.pdf | |||
Minutes: Recognitions and Presentations:
Consent Agenda:
Discussion Agenda:
2. Synergy Presentation | |||
Synergy Overview - School Board Agenda Review.pdf | |||
Minutes: Ethan Caren, Director of Information & Technology Services, Sabrina Thomas, Supervisor of Information & Technology Services, and Steve Amburgey, Director of Assessment Accountability & School Support, provided an overview of Synergy, an online platform scheduled for implementation on July 1, 2021. Synergy will provide for the consolidation of multiple platforms into one system and allow staff, students, and parents to communicate and track progress in a more efficient manner. Discussion included the reduction in overall cost of implementing this program, security and login procedures, and the possibility of implementing this within student transportation. Mr. Broskie advised of a new supplemental job description, Instruction Application Facilitator, that will be presented for the board's consideration, in replacement of the Application Coach supplement (currently 13 allocations), in order to provide for a home-based instructor at every school. The need for this supplement will be reviewed annually and include consideration of the additional features of Synergy that will be layered in as implementation progresses. |
Questions from the Audience | |||
Superintendent Comments | |||
3. Superintendent's Comments | |||
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie reviewed the timeline for approving allocations, reappointments, and supplements. The coming year will likely include greater movement of allocations in order to track parallel to the movement of students within our various educational settings. Mr. Broskie requested the board members meet with Bryce Ellis, Interim Assistant Superintendent Operations, 1:1 to review additional allocations needed to support the work within the Support Services Division. |
School Board Comments | |||
4. School Board Member Comments | |||
Minutes: Mrs. Gilhousen requested information on how state assessments are being administered for OneClayOnline students. Mr. Broskie advised that the assessment timeline has been extended to allow the requirement for students to physically take the test, for security purposes, with safety and distancing at our schools. Mrs. Gilhousen suggested the board potentially review the students' cell phone use policy to delineate appropriate usage at various grade levels. The board would like input from school administrators and to have additional information and further discussion on this issue to address the practicality of phone usage. A presentation to educate parents on aspects of cell phone use was also considered. The board agreed to add an agenda item to the March 23rd workshop to discuss and review the Code of Student Conduct relative to cell phone use. Mrs. Clark recently attended the School Finance Forum sponsored by Florida School Boards Association. Additional discussion involved the timeline and application process for the Half Cent Sales Tax Citizen Oversight Committee. Board members were pleased with the work and negotiations accomplished by Sheila Gann and the Insurance Committee.
Adjournment (10:40 a.m.) | |||