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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 3, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C5 - Kelly Services Amendments - Substitutes

Attached is an Addendum to the Kelly Services Agreement, which addresses an additional $20.00 per day bonus, distributed through the hourly rate.  This Addendum will be in effect from February 4, 2022, until the end of the 2021-2022 school year. 

Clay County has a current contract with Kelly Services, which was approved by the Board on September 5, 2019.  The only change to the existing contract is to add an incentive for daily substitute services.  This would allow us to better serve stakeholders.  The contract has an exit clause that can be enacted by either party with a written thirty (30) day notice. 

Gap Analysis

As the provider of staffing services, Kelly Services shall be the employer of Assigned Employees and shall be responsible for the staffing services listed: recruit, interview, select, and hire Assigned Employees; place Assigned Employees according to SDCC requirements; pay Assigned Employees their wages and provide them the benefits that Kelly Services offers to them as Kelly Services Employees; pay insurance premiums (e.g. Medicare), withhold payroll taxes (e.g. FICA) and fulfill its obligations for unemployment compensation; provide workers compensation benefits; and maintain Assigned Employees personnel and payroll records related to their employment by Kelly Services.  

Previous Outcomes

The Agreement was Board approved September 5, 2019, and has been used successfully to provide quality substitutes to the district.

Expected Outcomes

Upon approval by the Board, we expect Kelly Services to continue providing quality substitutes.

Strategic Plan Goal

The district ensures fiscal responsibility and equitable distribution of resources.


Approve the amendment to the original Kelly Services Contract, which adds additional funding for substitute services for the District.

Brenda Troutman, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources;; 904.336.6701
Financial Impact
The additional $20.00 per day substitute incentive will be funded through the American Relief Program. The exact cost for the 2021-2022 school year cannot be determined at this time.
Review Comments
Proposed Clay County 2022 Exhibit A .pdf