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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 4, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
C14 - Mutual Aid Agreement Between the Clay County Sheriff and Clay County District Schools Police Department

Circumstances arise in the course of daily life when due to an emergency the Clay County Sheriff’s Department is in need of assistance from other law enforcement agencies including the Clay County District Schools Police Department. Additionally, The CCDSPD routinely needs to have jurisdiction in and on areas where its jurisdiction does not extend, such as the roadways which are bordering the perimeters of, or pass through the boundaries of property upon which a Clay District Schools school is situated when said facilities are in use. This Mutual Aid Agreement, which is authorized by Section 1006.12(2)(c) Fla. Stat,. and Chapter 23, Fla. Stat. will give both law enforcement agencies the ability to request and give aid in emergencies, create the ability for the CCDSPD to act outside of its jurisdiction when a felony occurs and a Sheriff’s Deputy is not available, and give CCDSPD officers authority to act to enforce traffic laws and control traffic flow on roads bordering or passing through Clay District Schools school sites as needed during times that the school facilities are in use.

Gap Analysis

The Mutual Aid Agreement is needed to expand the ability of the CCDSPD officers to perform their duties and to allow the CCDSPD to render aid to the Clay County Sheriff in the event of an emergency.

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the implementation of the Mutual Aid Agreement will expand the ability of the CCDSPD officers to perform their duties and allow the CCDSPD to render aid to the Clay County Sheriff in the event of an emergency.  

Strategic Plan Goal



Approve the Mutual Aid Agreement

Kenneth Wagner, Chief, CCDSPD,
Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney,
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Mutual Aid Agreement CCSO CCDSPD 2021-2024.pdf