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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 6, 2025 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - DC Jaeger Corporation Contract; CTE Training Equipment and Curriculum

DC Jaeger is the sole source provider for Advanced Manufacturing equipment and curriculum in the state of Florida. This contract will provide equipment and curriculum for the Advanced Manufacturing Framework which will be offered starting in the 2025-2026 school year. 

This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the manufacturing career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the manufacturing career cluster. This program offers a broad foundation of knowledge and skills to prepare students for employement in Advanced Manufacturing and Porduction positions.

The content includes, but is not limited to providing students with a foundation of knowledge and technically oriented experiences in the study of automation technology, its application in manufacturing, engineering and robotics, and its effect upon our lives and the choosing of an occupation. The content and activities will also include the study of enterprise systems, safety, quality and leadership skills. This program focuses on transferable skills and stresses understanding and demonstration of the technological tools, machines, instruments, materials, processes and systems in business and industry.


Gap Analysis

This contract is required to move forward with the purchasing of the equipment so we can order it and have it delivered and in place by August 2025.

Previous Outcomes

N/A - this is a new program

Expected Outcomes

Students will be exposed to Advanced Manufacturing skills and training that will help them secure a job in a high-skill, high-wage industry. Students will complete the 3-year program and leave high school with an industry certifiation that will make them very marketable for the workforce. The FLDOE program number is 9200200

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1 - Engage all students to attain the necessary skills and knowledge to be future-ready graduates.

Goal 3 - Engage families and the community in the educational process to create robust learning opportunities and partnerships that support and prepare students to be successful throughout the K-12 educaitonal experiences, leading to graduation and beyond.


Approve the contract

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer;; 904-336-6904
Financial Impact
$999,693.60 - No financial impact to the general budget. The contract is being funded through legislative appropriations for the 2023-2024 school year.
Review Comments
250104 D C Jaeger.pdf