Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center (Corner of Walnut St. & Gratio Pl.) Green Cove Springs
January 12, 2021 - School Board Workshop
Date: Jan 12 2021 (2:00 p.m.)
Invocation  (Ashley Gilhousen)
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Discuss Student Growth and Proposed Boundary Realignments
Board Meeting growth 2020.pdf

James Fossa, Coordinator Facilities Planning and Intergovernmental Relations, presented the attached information re growth and attendance boundary issues relative to Oakleaf High, Lake Asbury Junior High,  Tynes Elementary, Paterson Elementary, Lake Asbury Elementary and Keystone Elementary.  Proposals were presented for the board's consideration to address over-crowding at these schools.  Current and projected capacity data was shared in the relevant areas of Florida School House Inventory and cafeteria capacity.  The majority of capacity issues relate to student population growth due to new home construction.

Lengthy discussion ensued wherein the board discussed and examined the effect of the proposed changes on transportation/travel time for students, traffic concerns, special pupil requests that permit students to access school-specific programs, the sense of urgency to address issues, notification, involvement/input, and consideration of the community affected by these changes, and allowing students in their final year of a school to remain in the existing school.  Proposals for consideration are as follows:

  • Oakleaf High - Current capacity at OHS is 106% and projected status quo capacity is 115%.  Mr. Boyack, Principal Oakleaf High, advised that every possible space on campus is currently being utilized for student instruction.  In the absence of a portion of students currently opting for a virtual platform, several teachers would need to "roam" to deliver instruction, with no consistent assigned space.  OHS has no space available to allow for any further expansion.  Mr. Fossa presented three possible options for consideration involving the re-districting of students to Ridgeview High (option #1), Orange Park High (option #2) and both Ridgeview High and Orange Park High (option #3).  Board consensus recognized the need to address OHS capacity for the 2021/2022 school year and supported the RHS option (option #1), providing seniors are given an option to remain at OHS, and with quick notification and involvement of the affected community.  Board asked Mr. Fossa to move forward with option #1 for public meetings, advertisement, public hearing, and possible adoption.
  • Lake Asbury Junior High - Current capacity (including ESE factor) at LAJ is 88% and projected status quo capacity is 117%.  Status quo capacity would be reached progressively but not by the 2021/2022 school year.  Proposal would re-zone students to Lakeside Junior, reducing the commute by more than two miles.  Board consensus was to begin implementation of a plan, effective the 2022/2023 school year, that would pertain to current 5th grade elementary students, entering 7th grade in the 2022/2023 school year.  Existing students at LAJ would not be affected.  Parent/community contact will begin this year and meetings will be held at the affected elementary schools, giving the community an opportunity to provide input and providing them with both materials and opportunities to have questions/concerns addressed.
  • Paterson Elementary -  Current capacity at PES is 104%, status quo capacity is 121%.  Elementary R, when finalized for the 2023/2024 school year will relieve PES capacity.  There are no proposals to rezone PES prior to the zoning of Elementary R.  Future zoning for Elementary R may also have an impact on the capacity at Lake Asbury Elementary and Rideout Elementary.
  • Tynes Elementary -  Current capacity at Tynes Elementary is 104%, status quo capacity is 120%.  Proposed rezoning would move three neighborhoods (approximately 152 students) from Tynes Elementary to Coppergate Elementary (currently under capacity), resulting in an approximate .5 mile increase in transportation.  Board consensus was to move forward with this proposal for the 2022/2023 school year, holding community meetings this year to include parent input and provide them with information re what Coppergate Elementary (School of the Arts) offers.  The board also wants rising 6th graders to have the option to remain at TES.
  • Keystone Area Schools - The recommendation was made to retain a design architect to master plan the campus areas, which would need to be added to the Educational Five Year Work Plan and would allow an assessment of available space and address the feasibility of options.  Mrs. Bullock advised that a prior plan proposal included building an elementary school on McDavid Field, possibly a multi-level structure with a smaller footprint.  The existing elementary could then be converted to a 6-8 junior high, leaving the current junior/senior high as a senior high only. An architect's feasibility study could include an assessment of this option and provide a starting point for restructuring these schools.

Additional conversation included out of county special pupil requests/assignments and agreements between Clay County District Schools and other districts for students who reside out of county.

Questions from the Audience
2. Questions from the Audience

Brooke Nation, a parent of CCDS students, provided insight into the parent perspective of redistricting.

Superintendent Comments
3. Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Broskie indicated that the return of approximately 4,000 students to the brick and mortar setting for the second semester will require changes to staffing and student scheduling.  Although this movement necessitates change, every effort will be made to provide services to students with the least disruption to their current schedules and staffing.

School Board Comments
4. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Clark would like to explore the possibility of permitting students in close proximity to Orange Park Elementary to attend that school, absent the requirement that they be selected through the current lottery process, so that students have the option of the closest school to them.

Adjournment  (4:45 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools Board Chair