Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Office accounts Payable Conference Room, 814 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs
January 29, 2019 - School Board Workshop
Date: Jan 29 2019 (8:30 a.m.)
Invocation  (Ashley Gilhousen)
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on February 7, 2019
DRAFT Agenda for Feb 7 Regular Mtg.pdf
  • RECOGNITION:  Spotlight on School Mentoring Program
  • PRESENTER:  CTE Presentation

There was a request to recognize Black History Month. 


  • C1 Previous Minutes - no discussion;
  • C2 Student Information Systems Software - EduPoint; replacing Focus; 5 yr contract; 
  • C3 E-Rate - covers wide-area network and internet access; E-Rate pays 80% of the contract;
  • C4 Personnel Consent Agenda - routine;
  • C5 Appointment of CCEA/CESPA Bargaining Teams - establishes teams; 
  • C6 Proclamation for CTE Month - February; awareness for CTE;
  • C7 Student Travel - some teams qualified for competition after submission deadlines for the board meeting;
  • C8 Contract modification with PACE -  for CCDS to provide transportation; four routes at stops defined by CCDS Transportation Dept;
  • C9 Application for renewal of charter school contract - Florida Cyber Charter - 5-year contract; must have accrediation by June 30th or contract is null and void; we must provide 3 cyber opportunities; 
  • C10 INVO Multidisciplinary Program to Address Childhood Trauma - for children with adverse childhood experiences; targeting most at-risk students; 
  • C11 Proclamation for School Counseling Week - no discussion;
  • C12 Proposed Allocation Changes - none at this time;
  • C13 Monthly Financial Report for December - no discussion;
  • C14 Deletion of Certain Items Report - items for surplus/sale;
  • C15 Bid Renewal - for Motor Oil, Closed Circuit TV, Plumbing Construction;
  • C16 Pre-qualification of Contractors - routine;
  • C17 LES Re-Roofing - low bid award to McCurdy-Walden;
  • C18 MBE Re-Roofing - low bid award to Register Roofing;
  • C19 RHS Re-Roofing - low bid award to KBT Contracting;
  • C20 WEC Re-Roofing - low bid award to McCurdy-Walden;
  • C21 GPE Re-Roofing - low bid award to McCurdy-Walden;
  • C22 Schematic/Preliminary/Final Plans & Specs for LJH Parking Lot Lighting - budgeted in Educational Facilities Plan;
  • C23 Schematic/Preliminary/Final Plans & Specs for WJH Parking Lot Lighting - budgeted in Educational Facilities Plan; 
  • C24 Resolution/Purchase Agreement for a portion of property at RVE - error in the last appraisal;  correct appraisal amount is $50,000;


D1 New Branding Logo -no discussion; 

D2 HR Special Action - no discussion;

Mr. Broskie was given permission to add an item for a partnership with St Leo University for the PTP Program (Para-professional to Professional); 

2. Discuss Potential to Expand School Choice Programs for the 2019-2020 School Year
School Choice_ Cambridge Primary Plan.pdf
School Choice_ STEAM.pdf
School Choice_ Visual and Performing Arts School.pdf
School Choice_ Pre-AICE Plan.pdf
School Choice Presentation.pdf

Superintendent Davis began by saying  there is a national movement to give parents more school options which makes it important for Clay County District Schools to offer multiple choice programs.  With the rapid growth expected in Clay County over the next few years, now is the time to discuss expansion throughout the district in order to attract and retain students.   Recently, the district's School Choice Department created a survey to poll parents on the types of programs they want for their children.   Superintendent Davis used the attached PowerPoint to review the areas parents rated as their top priorities.  The presentation went on to identify the potential programs Superintendent Davis and the Instructional team would like to launch in Clay for 2019-2020, the three-year rollouts and the potential costs.  The potential programs and the proposed locations are as follows:

  • Cambridge Primary at Charles E. Bennett Elementary, Plantation Oaks Elementary, and Fleming Island Elementary
  • Pre-AICE at Green Cove Springs Junior and Oakleaf Junior
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) at Lake Asbury Junior
  • Visual and Performing Arts Elementary School at Coppergate Elementary 

Following the presentation and Board discussion, the consensus was to add this item to the February board agenda.  

3. Discuss Outlook for School Safety and Security for the 2019-2020 School Year; (In the event that the discussion progresses to matters which are confidential and exempt from public disclosure pursuant to F.S. 119.071(3), the meeting will immediately be closed to the public, pursuant to F.S. 286.0113(1), for the duration of the discussion of confidential matters.)

Superintendent Davis distributed informational packets and presented five proposed options per the directive from Board members, for school safety and security for the 2019-2020 school year. He stated the proposed options were in no particular order.  Each option requires Clay County District Schools to hire a Chief of Police and to file the necessary paperwork with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to create its own law enforcement agency.  In some options, the police force would only be to maintain future flexibility, and in other options, the force would hire and deploy an SRO program within the district.   The options varied in maintaining or concluding partnerships with the current agencies and in the use of School Safety Officers (SSO's) and School Resource Officers (SRO's).   Some options would require patrol cars which would be purchased through capital funds.   

Discussion ensued in which one or more Board members expressed interest in Options B and D. It was noted that timing is essential due to the impending contract renewals with all agencies as well as contracts with employees.   Following discussion, the Board decided to add the item to the February agenda for further discussion and approval of a final option.  In the meantime, a job description for Chief of Police will be added to the agenda as well.

Questions from the Audience  (None)
Superintendent Comments  (None)
School Board Comments  (None)
4. Master Board Reinstatement

Following brief discussion, The Board chose to decline the invitation to participate in the Master Board Reinstatement Program at this time since Mrs. Bullock participated as a previous Board member.

Adjournment  (10:47 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair