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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
July 21, 2022 - School Board Special Meeting
2022-2023 Mental Health Assistance Allocation Plan

The Florida legislature has continued to provide funding for schools through the Mental Health Assistance Allocation to address the critical need for prevention, early intervention, and direct intervention for student mental health. The designated funding through SB 7030 is to be used exclusively for the development of a safe and healthy environment for students to learn, and strengthen programs designed to address mental health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and treatment and recovery services. As was the case last year, part of the statute language requires that the School Board approve a plan of services; using the FDOE provided matrix for development, that plan is submitted here for consideration.

Gap Analysis

For the past four years the Mental Health Assistance Allocation has enabled CCDS to expand direct services to students through increased staffing and programming, as well as complete a needs assessment to better inform level of student's life skills competencies.

Previous Outcomes

During the 2021-2022 school year, CCDS implemented additional mental health services and interventions with the funding provided through SB 7030. Various forms of data regarding services and initiatives are currently being analyzed for the required submission to FLDOE by September 30, 2022.

Expected Outcomes

We expect to see a reduction in behavioral and emotional issues detracting our students from academic success, as well as an increase in overall life skills functioning and maturity in our students. We will also be able to continue to identify specific indicators that impact discipline referrals, suspension events, average daily attendance, life skill competency perceptions, and academic achievement.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 3: Establish a respectful climate and culture that provides equity and access to all.


Recommend School Board approval of plan.

Heather McDonald, Supervisor of Mental Health and Wellness 6-6900
Laura Fogarty, Director of Climate and Culture 6-6513
Financial Impact
$1,856,347.00 mental health allocation for 2022-2023
Review Comments