District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place | |||
july 26, 2022 - School Board Workshop | |||
Date: Jul 26 2022
(9:00 a.m.)
Invocation (Beth Clark) | |||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3; Tina Bullock, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie) | |||
Workshop Items | |||
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on August 4, 2022 | |||
August-4-2022-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet.pdf | |||
Minutes: Recognitions and Presentations:
Consent Agenda:
Discussion Agenda:
Superintendent Broskie discussed the purpose of this policy is to place the district in compliance with statute by instituting any necessary changes in procedures and discussed measures already being taken. Chief Academic Officer Roger Dailey has been reviewing any lists brought forward to determine if violations exist within particular books that would necessitate a challenge and subsequent review by the committee. Statute has been reviewed to ensure procedures have been instituted to satisfy all concerns. An affirmative step has been established whereby parents may opt out of their students checking out any school library books or receive a text with the title of any book checked out so the parent may decide if this is an appropriate book for their student relative to their personal family values and structure. The district has also stopped the purchase of library books until such time as there is clarity on this issue as some words used in statute are nebulous and non-descriptive. Those books that fall into a gray area can be subject to a process where concerned individuals may provide the title and details re the objectionable content of the book. Objectionable portions should be clearly communicated to the committee. Roger Daily discussed the sensitive nature of this issue that has been addressed since last November when an advocacy group brought a single book forward and that book was subsequently de-selected. Additional books have been brought forward and parent groups have begun to organize and scrutinize materials. The district has made no change to the publishers historically used, but it has been found that some collections offered by publishers under the title of high-interest for certain age groups have contained violations of CCDS standards and Florida law. Mr. Dailey wants to ensure the process is done soundly while recognizing the urgency of this matter. Book challenges have been received that are nebulous and require additional direction (at least a page number reference). When a book is appropriately challenged, it is removed from the library, but the title will remain in Destiny software until it is ruled inappropriate by the committee. The desire is to make literacy available while protecting students from inappropriateness, and procedures may be amended as necessary. Board members posed questions to obtain additional clarification. Statute does not indicate a time period by which a committee would need to make a determination, but books will remain out of circulation until that review. The committee members will receive information prior to their meetings so the process done at the time of meetings should work fairly quickly. Books that appear to be clear violations are prioritized above more obscure and contentious content. Some challenges may require debate, consideration, and contemplation. It was not anticipated that challenges would not be complete, but incomplete challenges have been received, and minimal information and ambiguity may serve to slow or truncate the process. Stakeholders will be contacted for additional information needed to move the challenge forms forward. The superintendent will annually report to the state re challenges and outcomes. Mr. Dailey will explore whether we can tag challenged books as "pulled" in Destiny. A form and application process will be provided for parents wishing to be considered for membership on the committees. Mrs. Gilhousen engaged in an in-depth discussion with the board members and district personnel re specific concerns related to the wording contained in some portions of the Library Media Services Manual to ensure policies and procedures are consistent with Florida statute. Concerns were addressed and revisions, if needed and appropriate, will be made. The board would like to move forward with the purchase of Sunshine State Young Readers (3rd - 5th) and implement Battle of the Books again this year.
Questions from the Audience (None) | |||
Superintendent Comments (None) | |||
School Board Attorney Comments | |||
School Board Comments | |||
2. School Board Member Comments | |||
Minutes: Mrs. Bullock noted that Mr. Huffman, currently serving on the Citizens Advisory Committee as a representative of District 4, is unable to fill his position and there will be a need to advertise/recruit replacements. Mrs. Gilhousen expressed appreciation to board members and district staff for the willingness to hear her concerns and collaborate on this effort, where Clay County will continue its diligent effort, transparency, and commitment. Mrs. Bolla extended thanks to the entire staff and welcomed back instructional personnel next week. |
Adjournment (10:58 a.m.) | |||