Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center (Fleming Island High), 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL
July 27, 2021 - School Board Special Meeting (Public Hearing on the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget)
Date: Jul 27 2021 (5:01 p.m.)
Invocation  (Given at prior meeting)
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie)
Agenda Items
1. Review the 2021-2022 Proposed Millage, Rolled-Back Rate Calculation, and the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget (All Funds)
2021-2022 Budget Summary (1).pdf
First Public Hearing for the Adoption of Millage & Approval of the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget Presentation 7.27.21.pdf

Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, provided the attached visual presentation of the 2021-2022 budget that included the proposed millages, roll-back rate calculation, and proposed revenues and expenditures for all funds.  The total millage rate to be levied is more than the roll-back rate by 2.50% so the district will be required to advertise a tax increase.  The unassigned General Fund balance on June 30, 2021 is estimated at 5.00%, with an estimated 5.01% at June 30, 2022.  The district's total tentative budget (all funds) for the fiscal year 2021-2022 is $520,446,656.  The final public hearing to adopt the final millage and the budget for 2021-2022 will be held on September 9, 2021.

2. Public Hearing for Comments on the 2021-2022 Budget and Millages

Chair Bolla opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak, the public hearing was closed.

3. Adopt the 2021-2022 Required Local Effort Millage Levy
That the Clay County School Board adopt the 2021-2022 final proposed required local effort mill levy of 3.527 with a proposed amount to be raised of $50,766,730. The RLE millage includes basic RLE of 3.635 and a prior period adjustment millage of .006.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Tina Bullock
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
4. Adopt the 2021-2022 Basic Discretionary Operating Millage Levy
That the Clay County School Board adopt the 2021-2022 final proposed base discretionary millage of .748 with a proposed amount to be raised of $10,766,519.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Tina Bullock
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
5. Adopt the 2021-2022 Local Capital Improvement Fund Millage Levy
That the Clay County School Board adopt the 2021-2022 final proposed capital outlay millage of 1.500 with a proposed amount to be raised of $21,590,614.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Beth Clark
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
6. Adopt the 2021-2022 Additional Voted Operating Millage Levy
That the Clay County School Board adopt the 2021-2022 final proposed voted millage of 1.00 with a proposed amount to be raised of $14,393,742.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Beth Clark
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
7. Adopt the 2021-2022 Total Millage Levy
That the Clay County School Board adopt the 2021-2022 proposed total millage will equal 6.775 with a total amount to be raised of $97,517,605. The total millage rate to be levied is more than the roll-back rate by 2.50 percent.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Tina Bullock
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
8. Adopt the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget (All Funds) and set the Public Hearing for the 2021-2022 final Budget Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 5:01 p.m.
That the Clay Cunty School Board adopt the tentative budget for the 2021-2022 school year as follows: General Operating in the amount of $371,072,130; Special Revenue Budget in the amount of $48,343,262; Debt Service Budget in the amount of $7,525,805; Capital Outlay Budget in the amount of $93,505,459, for a total Final Budget of $520,446,656.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Tina Bullock
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
9. Resolution 22-01 Determining 2021-2022 Tentative Millages
Resolution 22-01.pdf
That the Clay County School Board approve Resolution #22-01 determining the 2021-2022 Tentative Revenues and Millages levied for fiscal year 2021-2022.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Beth Clark
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
10. Resolution 22-02 Adopting the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget
Resolution 22-02.pdf
That the Clay County School Board approve Resolution #22-02 adopting the Tentative 2021-2022 Budget.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Beth Clark
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
11. Approve Tentative 2021/22 – 2025/26 Educational Facilities Plan
EFP 2021-2026 TENTATIVE 7.8.21 (1).pdf
EFP - 2021 Board Presentation Board Meeting-FINAL.pdf

Representatives of the Operations Department provided the attached visual presentation.

James Fossa, Coordinator of Facilities & Planning, highlighting the district's current capacity and projected growth.  Processes for the Florida Department of Education's Capital Outlay for Full Time Equivalency (COFTE) projections were discussed.  Mrs. Kerekes desires continued efforts for the board to be able to exert greater influence over the capacity threshold, currently set at 110%, in our interlocal agreements.  Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity and cafeteria capacity was discussed.  

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Operations discussed capital revenue sources, projected revenue across funding sources, district capital outlay expenditures, and what has been accomplished during the 2020-2021 year utilizing capital dollars.  

Derald Sweatt, Director of Transportation, provided an update re improvements in bus transportation and equipment (GPS software and radios) and the associated costs.  Maximum routing efficiency is being employed to manage a small number of unfilled bus-driver positions.  Processes have been revised to encourage the retention of bus drivers.

Motion to approve Tentative 2021/22 - 2025/26 Educational Facilities Plan
Mrs. Bullock emphasized that this is a fluid, tentative plan that may be amended as needed
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Beth Clark
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
12. 2021-2022 Mental Health Assistance Allocation Plan
21-22 MHAAP Board Submission.pdf
St. Johns Classical FINAL.pdf
Clay Charter 21-22 MHAAP.pdf

Superintendent Broskie advised statute provides we submit a plan to the state that must be board approved. This plan expands youth mental health first aid, increases the number of available counselors, and provides more extensive transition services to students.

Motion to approve 2021-2022 Mental Health Assistance Allocation Plan
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Tina Bullock
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Presentations from the Audience
13. Public Comment

There were no public speakers.

Superintendent Comments
14. Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Broskie expressed appreciation to staff for recent informational presentations and the excellent preparations for the upcoming school year.  The return of teachers and students is eagerly anticipated.

School Board Comments
15. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Clark commended the Operations Department for their participation at the Keystone community meeting this week.

Mrs. Kerekes is looking forward to the start of the school year, appreciates the informational presentations of Dr. Legutko and Ms. Ellis, and requests the superintendent consult and obtain the recommendation of the Clay County Health Department relative to face masks to determine if a revision of policy is needed.

Mrs. Bullock wishes students and staff a wonderful start to the new year and is also desirous of learning what the Department of Health recommends re face masks, especially with children under the age of 12 currently not eligible for vaccination.

Mrs. Gilhousen referenced the recommendations of the governor and the commissioner of education that face masks are not recommended to be mandatory.  

Mrs. Bolla expressed appreciation for the presentation and participation in the Keystone community meeting as well as the subsequent conversations with community members.  Gratitude was extended to Ms. Ellis for her presentation and to Dr. Legutko for her work with the budget.  The passion for education and caring for students by educators is sincerely appreciated.

Adjournment  (7:17 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair