District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street & Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL | |||
June 15, 2021 - School Board Workshop | |||
Date: Jun 15 2021
(9:00 a.m.)
Invocation (Tina Bullock) | |||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie) | |||
Workshop Items | |||
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on June 24, 2021 | |||
June-24-2021-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet.pdf | |||
Minutes: Recognitions:
Consent Agenda:
Discussion Agenda:
2. Cenergistic Presentation | |||
Cenergistic - Workshop.pdf | |||
Minutes: Phil Hans, Director of Maintenance, used the attached slide presentation to provide an overview of how Cenergistic works within the district, highlighting budgeted energy costs as well as the monitoring and adjustment of measures to predict outcomes that will conserve energy and save costs. This process requires constant monitoring to yield consistent long-term results, and CCDS lacks the personnel on staff with the experience and time necessary to be dedicated to this single function. An analysis of three options was presented, with option #1 recommended, to renew the contract with Cenergistic. Dehumidifiers are being employed to address excessive humidity affecting books and materials. |
3. Keystone Feasibility Study | |||
Clay County Feasibility Study_Presentation_2021.06.15.pdf | |||
Minutes: Erik Kasper, architect and founder of Kasper Architects & Associates, utilized the attached slide presentation of "School Construction Feasibility Study in Keystone Heights" to examine the purpose of this study, the existing facilities, site work considerations, and evaluations of two alternatives (construction of a new elementary school on a 9-acre site located on McDavid Park or rebuilding a new elementary school on the existing site) to address Keystone needs. Options included both one-story and two-story models. Discussion points included the following:
Mrs. Kerekes asked about the possibility of an option for one larger building rather than four separate buildings, with a goal of less wasted space. Mr. Kasper advised this could be done but that thinner buildings are preferred in order for all classrooms to have windows. The cost of doing one vs four buildings would only yield a 5 to 10% reduction in cost. She also asked if construction could occur during the summer. Mr. Kasper advised that some critical work could begin but not all work could be finished. Mrs. Bullock expressed concern with safety issues and distractions caused by construction during school hours. Mr. Kasper advised work would be planned with construction manager for safety, with fencing securing the construction areas. Mrs. Bolla confirmed with Bryce Ellis, Asst. Superintendent of Operations, that there is a plan to build a cafeteria at Keystone Heights Elementary and confirmed the replacement of piping relative to the cafeteria construction. Mrs. Kerekes and Mrs. Bullock are concerned that a cafeteria is not a long-term solution and has already been done previously, with insufficient space still at issue. Mrs. Bolla also proposed consideration of the restriction of enrollment of students from outside of Clay County, excluding restricting employees' children. Mrs. Bullock feels this does not address the aging facility at issue. Mrs. Bolla also expressed concern with the effects of junior high and senior high students' access to programs if the schools are independent of one another. Mrs. Bullock pointed out the disadvantage of shared administrators in the combination model. Mrs. Bullock inquired about the possibility of building a bridge to connect the junior high with the senior high, creating one school on two separate campuses. Mrs. Gilhousen pointed out that there is currently no crowding issue at Keystone Heights Junior/Senior High. Additional discussion included evaluating student enrollment based on K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade divisions. Mr. Broskie stated that a bigger consideration is the policy itself and that the junior high and senior high enrollment numbers would not meet board policy relative to numbers of students, and the numbers established in board policy are to create thresholds of fiscal responsibility relative to the entire district. Based on the presentation and data, Mr. Broskie believes the number of students for separate facilities for junior high and senior high does not appear to be there. Keystone needs updated facilities and that need must be considered in relation to all other district needs. Careful consideration must be given to how, when, and the extent of needed updating and construction. Mr. Broskie recommends reading the large quantity of material provided to review, digest, and discuss again. |
Questions from the Audience (None) | |||
Superintendent Comments | |||
4. Superintendent Comments | |||
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie confirmed the address to which AMI Kids will be moving at the end of 2021. Mr. Broskie and Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, advised that effective July 2021, direct pay for travel will be issued via direct deposit rather than as a paper check. |
School Board Comments | |||
5. School Board Member Comments | |||
Minutes: Mrs. Clark believes additional information is needed to inform a decision re Keystone facilities to include an understanding of capacity percentage relative to the actual number of students and to ensure junior high students continue to have access to current opportunities. |
Adjournment (11:08 a.m.) | |||