Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 29, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C14 - Foundations (Safe and Civil Schools) Professional Development

Foundations Program is a schoolwide positive behavior support (PBS) process which schools’ leadership teams attend ongoing, multiyear staff development sessions.  Leadership teams continue to improve:

  1. Efficient data-collecting methods
  2. Analyze the data staff collects
  3. Build a uniform referral system
  4.  Improve staff communication and coordination
  5. Expand staff skills in effective supervision and positive behavior support
  6. Implement and maintain the Foundations Improvement Cycle

Schools are much more successful at making lasting, effective changes in school climate and culture when they are involved in a multi-year, multi-level school improvement project. In order to maintain positive changes in schools, proactive and positive policies must be put in place and consistently reinforced over time.

 Foundations was developed under Safe and Civil Schools’ decades of research on effective teaching methods that was refined into practical, easy-to-use principles and procedures. Safe and Civil Schools’ staff development has helped school districts throughout North America build the knowledge base needed to create positive school environments that are emotionally and physically safe and that foster independence, integrity, confidence, self-control, kindness, and responsibility.

Gap Analysis

Data trends show new students’ (military and other transient) absences are two times higher than established students.

Tardies are the number one referral in most schools especially in secondary as indicated in FOCUS.

Schools’ are lacking an effective method of surveying climate to measure outcomes and stakeholders’ feedback.

Teacher referrals indicate classroom management deficiencies.

Previous Outcomes

DoDEA grant schools are experiencing a decrease in student indicator behaviors (discipline and guidance referrals)

School campuses’ common areas (playground, cafeteria, student drop-off/pick-up, hallways) have been analyzed and streamlined for increased student safety and civility.

Developed guidelines for success to shape the climate and culture of the school/classroom;

expectations for learning and behavior are clearly delineated and actively taught.

Expected Outcomes

Improve school climate

Enhance school safety

Reduce unnecessary discipline referrals

Improve academic engagement

Increase average daily attendance

Reduce tardiness by up to 95%

Strengthen student connectedness and school pride

Expand staff skill in effective supervision and positive behavior support

Transform staff into active problem solvers


Promote job satisfaction and collegiality among staff


Strategic Plan Goal

Ninety-five percent of students and other stakeholders will feel connected to their school, peers, and teachers as indicated on school’s climate survey


Approve the Agreement between Clay County Public Schools and Safe and Civil Schools for Foundation training.

Michael McAuley, Assistant Superintendent Culture and Climate (904) 529-4893
Financial Impact
$12,000.00 paid with DoDEA funds from Project 4056
Review Comments
Foundations Agreement-Safe Civil Schools.pdf