Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
C12 - Approve the 2019-2020 District's Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance renewal submitted by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (broker)

Annual renewal of the District's Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance policies

Gap Analysis

Annually, the District undergoes a comprehensive analysis of its current insurable property and personnel.  Our broker (Arthur J. Gallagher) obtains competitive quotes based on current insurance trends and needs for the next fiscal year.  The goal is to obtain the best coverage possible while maintaining a manageable budget for the coverage.  This year, the policy includes renewal for Property, General Liability, Auto Liability, School Leaders including Employment Practices Liability, Worker's Compensation, Crime, Cyber Risk, Boiler & Machinery, Storage Tank Liability, and Active Assailant Liability.

The overall cost is a 5.91% increase from the prior year's premium.  The increase is due to the additional coverage required for Law Enforcement Liability and Workers Compensation coverage for the Police Department.

Previous Outcomes

It is standand operating practice to negotiate and present insurance renewals for approval based on needs, trends, and financial availability.

2015-2016 = $1,200,697

2016-2017 - $1,040,615

2017-2018 - $1,045,627

2018-2019  $1,095,983

2019-2020   $1,160,753

Expected Outcomes

To approve the Superintendent's recommendation to renew the 2019-2020 Property & Casualty Insurance Program.

Strategic Plan Goal

The district ensures fiscal responsibility and equitable distribution of resources.


To obtain the School Board's approval of the District's Property, Liability, and Active Assailant insurance renewal policies as presented.

Dr. Susan M. Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs 284-6571
Financial Impact
$1,160,753 funded by Capital Funds and General Funds.
Review Comments
Clay Premium Summary.pdf