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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
March 12, 2020 - School Board Special Meeting
Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised the Revisions to School Board of Clay County, Policy 6GX-10-1.03(B), The Superintendent of Schools; Salary of the Superintendent

For the past several years, the School Board has contributed a supplemental amount to the Superintendent's salary, which amount was in addition to the statutory base salary.  Florida Statutes require that the supplemental amount be approved by the majority vote of the School Board.  Over the years there has been no consistency in the manner that this was brought before the School Board.  Amendment of this policy establishes the procedures governing how this is to be brought before the Board as well as the timing, implementation of any supplemental salary passed by the School Board.  Amendment of Board policy requires advertisement of the new policy for public hearing.  This amendment was advertised on February 13, 2020.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Approval of this item will allow the School Board to exercise consistency in the manner that Superintendent supplemental salary issues are brought before the School Board.  Amendment of this policy establishes the procedures governing how such issues are to be brought before the Board as well as the timing, implementation, and duration and termination of any supplemental salary passed by the School Board.

Strategic Plan Goal



Approve item as submitted.

Janice Kerekes, School Board member; J. Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney
Financial Impact
Undetermined at this time.
Review Comments
Notice of Public Hearing and Approval to Advertise School Board Policy 1.03(B).pdf
Policy 1.03 (B) Salary of the Superintendent.pdf