Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Office Accounts Payable Conference Room, 814 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs
March 27, 2017 - School Board Workshop
Date: Mar 27 2017 (9:30 a.m.)
Call to Order
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on April 6, 2017

Prior to agenda review, there was brief discussion about the time and day of future Review Workshops due to some conflicts.  Consensus was to keep the meetings as is, but to move the start time 30 minutes earlier to 9:00 a.m.   Concern was expressed about the Student Showcase held at 5:45 prior to the board meeting, and the distractions with citizens walking in and talking.  Signs will be posted on the doors at future meetings.  SEDNET will showcase their program at the May meeting instead of a School Showcase.  


Superintendent Davis reviewed the agenda.  Item discussion between the Board and Superintendent took place with questions and answers.  

  • C2 2017-2018 Employee Calendar - revises the calendar for 11-month employees to work three 7.5 days as their last 3 work days;
  • C3 Summer Reading Camp 2016-2017 - July 3rd was added to the July 4th holiday;
  • C5 Bargaining Team Members for 2017-2018 - Mr. Davis would like to talk to the union about small-group bargaining, meeting informally during the work day;  Mr. Davis will keep the Board posted on this; concern expressed about bargaining team supplements;  
  • C6 Reappointments for 2017-2018 - backup information to be loaded by Wednesday, March 29th; 
  • C7 Salary Schedule - discussed changes; Administrator evaluations tied to performance; Superintendent wants to look at in-county travel and what positions are compensated; need to check for travel language in school board policy; brief discussion about substitutes and Kelly Services; it was decided to leave language on Page IV-1 (pay for subs) that was being deleted; 
  • C-8 CTE Travel - Item deleted - no students qualified to compete;
  • C9 Tier 3 Reading Intervention - Reading intervention for Grades K-5 in all Title I schools to reach bottom quartile readers; goal to implement in all elementary schools for 2017-18 in Grades K-3;
  • C10 Safe Crisis Mgt - required training for ESE teachers and assistants; some bus drivers have asked for similiar training;  Mr. McAuley is looking at mental health training as opposed to restraint at less cost;
  • C11 Mileage to Parents and Group Homes - through Main Spring for students placed in specialty school outside of Clay;
  • C12 Advertising for Algebra i with Financial Literacy Adoption - new course for seniors; was LAM II which is not NCAA approved; 
  • C14 Student Travel - some trips coming to the Board late due to competitions just completed;
  • C15 Advertising of 4.28(C) Chaperones of School Trips - Superintendent reviewed changes to language;  take out "unless the person is an employee of SBCC"; 
  • C16 New Leaders Program - paid through grant to train new leaders; one-year rigorous program; requires commitment to stay in Clay on candidates part;
  • C17 - C22 - no discussion  
  • C23 District Operational Audit - conducted by Purvis-Gray; decreased from previous years from 8 to 3 areas of concern;
  • C24 - C32 Routine financial reports (C26 Monthly Financial Report - new reporting format will come after budget workshop)
  • C33 Advertise revisions to Policy 5.03C - increases value of trackable property from $750 to $1000 ;
  • C36 KHS Repiping - rejecting the bid; having trouble getting local bidders for KH jobs; looking to advertise in Gainesville area for more competitive bids;
  • C37 Construction Manager for School Y - recommending Parrish-McCall; Dr. Kemp asking for two separate Guaranteed Maximum Price - one for site land clearing and another for construction; timeframe is14 months to completion; 
  • D1 Consider moving July 6th Regular meeting - Board consensus to move to June 29 ; beginning in May, student discipline hearings will move back to Regular meeting day at 3:00 p.m.;  
  • D2-D4 - Special HR actions - no discussion 
  • D5 Attorney Contract - Mr. Broskie has worked out contract details with Mr. D'Agata; $135,000 salary but Board would like it reduced to $130,000; secretary will not be paralegal; Superintendent trying to fill that internally;  Board asked for changes to paragraphs #8 (what professional memberships and resources we pay for) and  #6 (add "with prior board approval") for attendance at conferences or leave taken; Mr. Broskie will research what we have paid in the past;  Mr. Broskie will make changes to the contract and review with Mr. D'Agata; 
  • D6 - D8 - no discussion

Following review of the agenda, discussion included:  

  • appointments with legislators during FSBA Legislative Days;
  • possible rebranding; Board wants to keep "In God We Trust" and be known as "Clay County District Schools"  
  • Master Board training, possibly in September;
  • notification letter will be sent to Synovia today; 
  • booth at the Clay County Fair; manned by district staff;
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Comments
Adjournment  (11:20 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman