Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL
May 28, 2024 - School Board Workshop
Date: May 28 2024 (9:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Ashley Gilhousen)
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3, Michele Hanson, District 4 (participating via telephonic conferencing); Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on June 6, 2024
June-6-2024-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet (5).pdf

Recognitions and Awards:

  • Recognize Students with Perfect Attendance, K-6, K-8, and K-12 - no discussion;
  • Recognition of 2023 Bike Design Winners - no discussion;
  • Recognition of Athletic State Champions, Students of the Month, and Coaches of the Month - no discussion;
  • Recognition of Recipients of the 2024 Kyla Nettles Scholarship Committee - no discussion;
  • Recognize Social Studies Teachers of the Year - no discussion;
  • Recognize Recipients of Level II Principal Certification Program Completion - no discussion;

Discussion Agenda:

  • D1 Appoint One Board Member and One Citizen Member to Serve on the 2024 Value Adjustment Board - no discussion;
  • D2 Appoint One Board Member to Serve as Florida School Boards Association Advocacy Committee Representative and One Board Member to Serve as Advocacy Committee Alternate - no discussion;
  • D3 Human Resources Special Action A - no discussion;
  • D4 Human Resources Special Action B - no discussion;
  • D5 Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised 2024-2025 Student & Family Handbook and Code of Student Conduct - discussion to clarify the reason for junior high not being permitted to use cell phones during lunch; stated rationale for this restriction included the desire for students to interact socially, junior high does not have the responsibilities e.g. jobs that high school faces; re-training will occur and there will be meetings with small groups of students to cover all discipline-related topics and problem-solving among administration and staff re how to implement the changed policy;

Consent Agenda:

  • C1 Minutes of School Board Workshop on April 23, 2024; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on May 2, 2024 - no discussion;
  • C2 Payment of Annual Membership dues for 2024-2025 to Florida School Boards Association - no discussion;
  • C3 Personnel Consent Agenda - Mr. Broskie noted that this item will include the reappointment of annual and administrator contracted individuals;
  • C4 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
  • C5 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for School Year 2024-2025 - school start times will be required by statute to change for the 2026/2027 school year, and there is a task force that will examine the statute and suggest revised transportation times; revisions are expected to be advertised for nine (9) months prior to the changes taking place; options will be brought before the board for their consideration;
  • C6 2024 Secondary Summer Programs Calendars Revised - no discussion; 
  • C7 Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve Modifications to the 2024-2025 Student Progression Plan - discussion included how End of Course (EOC) grades are driven by statute, the use of a conversion chart, what tests constitute EOC exams, and how often parents are apprised of students' progress; grading is a topic that will be brought forward next year based on the need for teachers to enter grades routinely and regularly;
  • C8 2024-2025 Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Department of Military Affairs, State of Florida - no discussion;
  • C9 2024-2025 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and St. Johns River State College (SJRSC) - no discussion;
  • C10 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Western Governors University (WGU) - no discussion;
  • C11 2024-25 Professional Learning Catalog - Mrs. Hanson discussed changes she indicates people would like to see such as a more differentiated in-service so there can be new and appropriate levels of teacher development; Mr. Broskie indicated that a survey is sent to teachers to assess their need/desire for training and teachers are also welcome to email Dr. Shepard with requested topics;
  • C12 7 Mindsets Life Skills, Character Education & Skills to Build Resilience - discussion included educational components being solely provided by 7 Mindsets; Mrs. Hanson requested information on when and how parents will be provided notification re the topics being covered and where those videos can be accessed; Mr. Broskie advised that information will be provided through a school newsletter prior to the topic being covered; statute does not permit a parent to opt-out of this required education, but they have the option to keep their student home that day; Laura Fogarty, Director of Climate and Culture, advised that, when the contract has been approved, she will make the videos accessible for parents to view and they are welcome to view the videos in her office or at their child's school;
  • C13 2024-2025 School Health Services Agreement with Department of Health Clay - no discussion;
  • C14 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2024-2025 - no discussion: 
  • C15 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024 - no discussion;
  • C16 Monthly Financial Reports for April, 2024 - no discussion:
  • C18 Budget Amendment Report for April, 2024 - no discussion;
  • C18 Deletion of Certain Items Report May, 2024 - no discussion;
  • C19 BID Renewal - no discussion;
  • C20 RFP to be Awarded - Mrs. Hanson questioned the financial impact, hourly rates and markup; Brenda Troutman, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, advised that the hourly rate is the rate the substitute receives and the markup is to provide the fee to the vendor for providing the services; minimum wage in Florida will not be $15./hour for two more years; although Florida schools have transitioned to $15./hour, Kelly is not a Florida school and not obligated to reimburse their employees at that rate; Mrs. Hanson suggested exploring whether salary is the issue if we continue to have a shortage; Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, advised the sum paid to Kelly is approximately $3.2M per year,.
  • C21 Cenergistic Energy Conservation Savings Program Contract Amendment #2 - brief discussion to ensure portables are being managed as humidity may be an issue if the air conditioning is turned off overnight; Mrs. Hanson also noted portables can be very cold in the mornings; Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, indicated there has been an implementation of remote control thermostats in some schools and that will expand to include schools district-wide;
  • C22 Memorandum of Understanding Between Clay County District Schools and the Clay County Sheriff's Office to provide access to the Chris Hixon, Coach Aaron Feis, hand Coach Scott Beigel Guardian Program - Mrs. Clark commented favorably on this guardian training program;
  • C23 School Board of Clay County/Contract No. 2024-2025 - Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, Florida; City of Green Cove Springs Florida; and Green Coe Springs Police Department - no discussion;
  • C24 School board of Clay County/Contract No. 2024-2025 - Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, Florida; the town of Orange Park; and the Town of Orange Park Police Department - no discussion;
  • C25 School Board of Clay County/Contract No. 2024-2025 - Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Clay County Sheriff's Office for the School Resource Officer Program - Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, noted several interlocal agreements (operational, funding, and property transfer) involving the Clay County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) and sometimes including the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) when the BCC has a role in the process; revisions are being addressed for the funding agreement to prevent the necessity of continual budget amendments coming before the board; 50 police cars will be transferred for use by the CCSO and the district will retain several vehicles for use by the lead guardians;
  • C26 Clay County Agreement/Contract No. 2024-2025 - Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County (SBCC), Florida and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for Funding of School Resource Officers (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027) - no discussion;
  • C27 Interlocal Agreement with the Clay County Sheriff's Office for Transfer of School District Property - no discussion;
  • C28 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Charles E. Bennett Elementary School Security Lighting Repair/Replacement - no discussion;
  • C29 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Doctors iNlet Elementary School Security Lighting Repair/Replacement - no discussion;
  • C30 Change Order #4 for clay High School Gym Renovations - no discussion;
  • C31 Final Completion of Orange Park Junior High School Roof Repair/Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4 - no discussion;
  • C32 Final Completion of Middleburg High School HVAC Repair/Replacement - no discussion;
  • C33 Prequalification of Contractors - no discussion.
2. Budget Presentation
Board Workshop Budget Presentation5.28 (1).pdf

Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, shared the attached visual presentation of the 2024-2025 budget update as follows:

  • Budget Process
  • General Funds
  • One Mill Funds
  • Capital Funds

Mrs. Skipper stated that the requested intent for budget information was to sit down and voice what funds she would like to examine and then have the superintendent and CFO guide the board through that information.  She feels uncomfortable being asked to approve the budget, particularly when the board desires more funds for teachers or funds to go to schools, and she does not feel this process is transparent.  She wants the board to speak about where they want funding to go and believes all board members should know the budget equally.  She requests more transparency, for board members to be actively involved in the budget, and to retain an internal auditor.  She requested line item transparency and would like to receive this information before meetings.

Mrs. Hanson stated that the board has responsibility for budget and policy and is asking board members to become active in this process.  Mrs. Hanson also stated the need to receive information prior to meetings in order to be prepared.  She would like to discuss how to make cuts to the budget, how to increase the fund balance, and would like to resolve the issue of the internal auditor.  Dr. Legutko advised that an internal auditor is specific to the board and that position reports directly to the board and will work at the will of the board.  Dr. Legutko stated that her office can provide the board whatever would be asked of the internal auditor.  

Mr. Blocker indicated the budget would soon be nearing the threshold where an internal auditor would be mandatory.  He indicated he would work with district personnel to better work together to provide the material to board members.  

Mrs. Skipper wants the availability of a line item budget across the board for all funding categories.  Mrs. Hanson would like this detail added to monthly reports and initiated discussion of a "calculator" used by some neighboring districts to aid in providing transparent information.  Dr. Legutko advised an additional component of Business Plus has been added and a dashboard is being developed to meet some of these requests.  

Mrs.Bolla has been asked about CCSO taking over safety and security and wants to make sure that the one mill provides for safety and security.  The district pays CCSO and must also meet all of the legislatively mandated safety and security requirements.  Mr. Blocker indicated the one mill is needed to maintain the CCSO contract.  Dr. Legutko advised the one mill supports safety and security as well as the hardening of schools and that the general fund would not be able to support those initiatives in the absence of the one mill funding.

Mr. Broskie proposed working on communication to better demonstrate transparency.  He recommends the board, if they desire to retain an internal auditor, putting that out for an RFP.  Questions posed by board members re an internal auditor included the going rate, structure of services, cost, benefits, hurdles, and what other counties are doing.  Mrs. Clark believes that a good auditor will more than make up the cost of the auditor.  Mrs. Hanson believes the biggest area for fraud lies with internal accounts.  The board would need to evaluate the advantages of a firm vs an individual.

3. Status Update on Library Materials
Update on Library Media.pdf

Jennifer Collins, Supervisor of School Improvement and Leadership Development, Dr. Cynthia Johnson, Supervisor of Instructional Resources, and Susan Gannon, Instructional Resources Library/Media Specialist, shared the attached visual presentation on the following:

  • Library Book Challenge Process
  • Library Access Forms
  • Purchasing Plan
  • Appeals
  • Proactive Measures

Discussion included confirmation that parents/guardians will need to fully complete the entire form (all selections) in the parent portal to communicate their students' access to library materials.

Mrs. Skipper requested that the record reflect that The Diary of Anne Frank has not been removed from the libraries.  The book dealing with Ann Frank that was removed was a graphic novel that was not historically accurate.

Mrs. Hanson requested and received confirmation that the rubric provided could include more titles and examples if desired.  Mr. Blocker stated that a substantive change would necessitate an advertised and approved change in policy but cosmetic/clarifying modifications are permissible.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, advised that the entire catalog of challenged books will be retroactively reviewed to evaluate whether the materials align with the newly approved policy and rubric.  It is anticipated that this may be accomplished by the end of the summer and he can then report on those books.  The board will vote on whether the law, policy, and procedures were followed, not on their personal endorsement of the material.

Board members extended their thanks for the hard work on this project.  A compliance team will be put together following addressing the backlog and board members will be asked for a parent member to serve on that team.

Questions from the Audience
4. Questions from the Audience

Questions from the Public:

  • Vicki Kidwell
Superintendent Comments  (None)
School Board Attorney Comments
5. School Board Attorney Comments

Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, advised the June 27th meeting would require a nomination and second for a pro-tem chair in the planned absences of Mrs. Gilhousen and Mrs. Bolla.  All items would require a 3-0 vote to pass.

Mr. Blocker introduced Lisa Miles, The Douglas Firm, who will be working on creating the truancy processes and procedures.

School Board Comments
6. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Hanson indicated she is willing to serve again on the Value Adjustment Board.  She is also interested in participating as the Florida School Boards Advocacy Representative.  Mrs. Gilhousen will serve as the FSBA Advocacy Representative Alternate.  Mrs. Hanson will contact the current Value Adjustment Board citizen member to assess his willingness to serve again.

Adjournment  (12:51 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair