District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Gratio Place and Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, FL | |||
November 28, 2023 - School Board Workshop | |||
Date: Nov 28 2023
(9:00 a.m.)
Invocation (Ashley Gilhousen) | |||
Call to Order (Present: Erin Skipper (participated via teleconferencing), District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3, Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie. Not present: Michele Hanson, District 4.) | |||
Workshop Items | |||
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on December 7, 2023 | |||
December-7-2023-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet.pdf | |||
Minutes: Recognitions and Awards:
Discussion Agenda:
Consent Agenda:
2. Finalize Legislative Priorities | |||
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie noted several requests set forth in Legislative Priorities. Notably, requests are being made for expansions to Workforce Development and Elevation Academy to prepare students to graduate high school. Mr. Broskie appreciated the work of The Southern Group in lobbying for these requests. The legislative session will start earlier this year, and Clay Day will be held on the afternoon of January 17, 2024 with the Day in the Legislature held on January 18, 2024. |
3. Discussion of Participation in Litigation re Social Media | |||
Minutes: Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, introduced Wayne Hogan, Attorney, and Alan Pickert, Attorney, of the law firm Terrell Hogan. Mr. Hogan provided an overview of an option for Clay County District Schools to become a plaintiff in a current litigation class action lawsuit seeking to recover compensation as a result of social media platforms that knowingly designed and used algorithms that pushed harmful content to students in order to generate revenue and profits. Students negatively impacted by social media are potentially at increased risk of depression, anxiety, aggression, and eating disorders. School districts have had to bear the costs of assisting students and families affected by this harm including the hiring of additional mental health personnel, developing additional resources, and providing increased training for teachers and staff. A sufficient number of cases/complaints must be filed in order to move forward with the proof of damages. Terrell Hogan's goal is to make the social media industry own up to its responsibilities without imposing great cost and expense to school districts, staff, and taxpayers. Terrell Hogan would be paid on a contingency basis and, working with The Douglas Firm, believes this can be done without costing CCDS an expenditure. If a settlement is reached, those funds could be utilized to provide some level of compensation to the school districts. Board consensus was reached to move forward with an agenda item that would satisfy the required action for participation in this litigation as well as current litigation arising out of opioid use among students. |
Questions from the Audience (None) | |||
Superintendent Comments | |||
4. Superintendent Comments | |||
Minutes: Mr. Broskie advised the district has reached a tentative agreement with Clay Educational Staff Professionals Association (CESPA), and an item for that agreement as well as the ratification package will be added to the December agenda. |
School Board Attorney Comments | |||
5. School Board Attorney Comments | |||
Minutes: Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, reminded the board members of the annual requirement for ethics training which must be completed by December 31, 2023. |
School Board Comments | |||
6. School Board Comments | |||
Minutes: Mrs. Bolla will be attending the Annual Joint Conference organized by Florida School Boards Association (FSBA) and the Florida Association for District School Superintendents (FADSS), and she noted the opportunity this event provides for professional interaction with other school board members across the state, including discussion and an exchange of ideas. Mrs. Gilhousen noted her potential absence from the December board meeting due to a family commitment. |
Adjournment (9:48 a.m.) | |||