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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
October 3, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C7 - Clay County Fire Rescue Affiliation Agreement Renewal

On October 26, 2022, the School Board entered into an Agreement with Clay County which created an affiliation between the school district and Clay County Fire Rescue Department for the purpose of providing training through an externship (ride-a-long) in which CTE EMR students may acquire hand son clinical training and experience to prepare them for the EMR certification exam. The original Agreement was for a period of one (1) year. This agenda item is a renewal Agreement to extend the original Agreement for an additional year with said year ending on September 30, 2025.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

Original Agreement was approved on October 6, 2022 with a commencement date of October 26, 2022.

Expected Outcomes

Approval of this item will allow CTE EMR students to conduct Ride-a-long activities with Clay County Fire Rescue staff to gain real-world, hands-on experience and to prepare for the EMR industry certification.

Strategic Plan Goal

Strategy 1.3: Prepare all students to be full option graduates who are prepared for college, eligible to enlist in military services or able to compete in the workforce.


Approve the Second Renewal to the School Board of Clay County, Florida Affiliation Agreement with Clay County Rescue.

Kelly Mosley, CTE Supervisor, 904-336-4503
Financial Impact
Review Comments
250061 Contract Review Clay County Fire Rescue.pdf