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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
October 3, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C10 - Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week

The Red Ribbon Campaign® is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of young people during Red
Ribbon Week® each year. We celebrate Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31, to affirm our commitment to live drug free. We celebrate those
who live without drugs as well as those who choose to leave drugs behind and live drug free. This week is designated to talk to our
students about choosing a healthy lifestyle to include a healthy diet, staying active, coping strategies for stress, and choosing to live drug
free. This year's theme is "Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free" The theme was chosen because it perfectly captures how all of us must
do our individual parts to keep our communities safe, healthy and Drug-Free. The theme encourages everyone to use their voice to make
a difference. All segments of the community, health care workers, police officers, educators, school bus drivers, parents... people just like
you and me, are examples of what we can achieve through self-dedication, care and commitment. This year’s theme is a reminder that
everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because
they live Drug-Free!

Gap Analysis

This proclamation will promote the School Board of Clay County's commitment to creating a safe, healthy, and drug free school community.

Previous Outcomes

Every year students are exposed to lessons surrounding the affects of drugs, alcohol and making healthy lifestyle choices.

Expected Outcomes

Students will gain knowledge to assist them with making healthy lifestyle choices.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 4: Safe and Positive Learning Environment.


The School Board of Clay County will approve the proclamation to support Red Ribbon week.

Kellie Guilfoyle, Director of Climate & Culture
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Red Ribbon Week Proclamation 2024.docx (2).pdf