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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
October 3, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C2 - School Board Member Out-of-County Travel Expenses Estimated to Attend FSBA/FADSS 79th Annual Joint Conference

Reimbursement of travel expenses for school board members is addressed in Florida Statutes 112.061, 1001.39 and the rules of the State Board of Education.  Specifically, F.S. 1001.39 reads, “… any travel outside of the district that exceeds $500 requires prior approval by the district school board to confirm that such travel is for official business of the school district and complies with rules of the State Board of Education.  Any request for travel outside the state must include an itemized list detailing all anticipated travel expenses, including, but not limited to, the anticipated costs of all means of travel, lodging, and subsistence.  Immediately preceding a request, the public must have an opportunity to speak on the specific travel agenda item.” 

School Board members typically attend two in-state conferences yearly that are sponsored by the Florida School Boards Association.  In addition, periodic technical assistance is provided throughout the fiscal year for all Board members.  Currently, there is no planned out-of-state travel.

Estimated costs below include registration fees, lodging, meals, mileage, and other incidental expenses.

Estimated Travel Expenses To Attend FSBA/FADSS Annual Joint Conference
Date/Conference Board Members Attending Location Purpose Estimated Cost

2024 FADSS/FSBA Annual Joint Conference (December 3, 2024 - December 6, 2024)

TBD Bd Member, Hanson, Gilhousen, Skipper, Clark Tampa FL Official Business of the District    $6,000


Gap Analysis

Professional development provides valuable leadership training for school board members.  The majority of the training, but not necessarily all training, is provided through the Board’s professional organization, Florida School Boards Association.  Training includes yearly legislative updates on issues important to school systems in Florida as well as other important topics that impact public education. 

Previous Outcomes

Board members have attended training and conferences in the past and gained valuable insight on education issues.

Expected Outcomes

Board members will continue to attend upcoming trainings and conferences and gain valuable insight on education issues.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 5.2 Promote fiscal transparency and communication.


Recommend approval.

Bonnie O'Nora, Board Assistant,
Financial Impact
$6,000.00 (This is a rough estimate with the assumption that all five board members would have the opportunity to attend.)
Review Comments

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