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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
October 7, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
C15 - Contract Renewal – Benefitfocus Agreement for Web Based Enrollment and Eligibility Management System RFP # 18-BA-123

Contract Renewal – Benefitfocus Agreement for Web Based Enrollment and Eligibility Management System RFP #18-BA-123: The Agreement/Order Form was effective as of June 11, 2018 and had an initial subscription term of 5 years. Amendment No. 2 is extending Agreement/Order Form through July 18, 2025 and reducing the annual amount by $40,000.  

Gap Analysis

The District requires contractors to provide services to ensure our ​​facilities and equipment are maintained and functional. The District requires vendors to provide products to ensure our students and staff receive the items to meet their needs.

Previous Outcomes

Original Contract was Board approved and has been used successfully during the past term to provide quality services and products to the district.

Expected Outcomes

Upon approval by the Board; we expect the contractors and vendors​ to continue providing quality services and products at the same terms and conditions as when the original Bid were awarded.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 2; Strategy 2.4; Ensure effective and efficient use of resources for fiscal stability.


Contract Renewal – Benefitfocus Agreement for Web Based Enrollment and Eligibility Management System: 

  • Benefitfocus, 100 Beneditfocus Way, Charleston, SC 29492
Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, Phone: (904)336-6721, Email:
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the District due to the agreement with the Bailey Group that was Board Board approved on March 4, 2021
Review Comments
220031 Benefitfocus Amend 2.pdf