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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C20 - Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Annual Cost Report for the FYE 6-30-2024

The Superintendent is required under Section 1001.51(12)(b), Florida Statutes, to prepare for Board approval, all reports that may be required by law or rules of the State Board.  State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.0071(3), Florida Administrative Code, requires submission of the Report of Financial Data to the Commissioner of Education no later than September 11 of each year.


Gap Analysis

The Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Annual Cost Report meet State financial reporting requirements.


Previous Outcomes

It has been a past (normal) practice to provide the Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Annual Cost Report, in accordance with SBE Rule 6A-1.0071(3), Florida Administrative Code.

Expected Outcomes

The Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Cost Report are provided to meet the stewardship responsibilities of the district for reporting and accountability of the district's finances.


Strategic Plan Goal

Goal: 5 and Strategy: 2

Ensure fiscal responsibility through the effective management of district operations in an effort to maximize available resources necessary to provide an environment that is safe, efficient, and conducive to learning.  Promote fiscal transparency and communication.


The Clay County School Board approves the Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Annual Cost Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.


Dr. Susan M. Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, (904) 336-6721,
Financial Impact
The Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Annual Cost Report reflect the annual results of operations.
Review Comments
Cost Report PC3_4 FY23.24.pdf
Annual Financial Report ESE348.pdf