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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - Charter School Revision - 2024-2025 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP)

The 2024-2025 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP) was previously approved by the board on June 27, 2024.  On page 3, Comprehensive System of Reading Instruction Expenditures, the district reading department is required to include an estimated proportional share amount to be paid directly to district charter schools through their allocated FEFP funds.  The amount was inadvertently left off the original document submitted to the state as part of the Comprehensive Evidence -Based Reading Plan (CERP) and was returned requesting the information.  A revision to include the estimated proportional share amount has been made for board approval. 

Gap Analysis

Without a district school board approved Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan, CCDS will not receive its allocation of appropriated Evidence-Based Reading funds thereby preventing the funding of salaries for the Supervisor of Reading and Early Literacy, Reading/Literacy Specialists, and Reading/Literacy Coaches. Without the allocation of appropriated Evidence-Based Reading funds, the ability of the district to purchase evidence-based professional learning, supplemental reading materials, and interventions would be greatly impacted. Additionally, the District will be limited in supporting K-3 students with substantial deficiencies in reading in accordance with Section 1008.25(3)(a), F.S.

Previous Outcomes

The total amount of Evidence-Based Reading Funds released to CCDS based on the 2023-2024 FEFP First Calculation Prekindergarten through Grade 12 funding Summary was $2,195,543.00.  The increase in the Evidence-Based Reading Funds for 2024-2025 to $2,314,737 reflects the identified areas of need to support the Multi-Tiered System of Support to benefit all students through instruction aligned to the science of reading as outlined in Section 1008.25(3)(c)(4), F.S.  With the 2023-2024 funding, the district was able  to provide district charter schools with a proportionate share of the allocated funding, provide salary funding for the Supervisor of Reading and Early Literacy, four Specialists, and eight coaches; purchase evidence-based professional learning, supplemental reading materials, and interventions; reimburse teachers for taking and passing the K-12 Reading Subject Area Exam; reimburse teachers for adding the reading endorsement to their teaching certificate; provide funding for district reading competency course facilitator pay for the reading endorsement; provide schools substitute reimbursement for teachers attending district reading/literacy professional learning sessions; and fund other items relating to evidence-based reading instruction as outlined in the state approved CCDS 2024-2025 CERP.

Expected Outcomes

With district school board approval of 2024-2025 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan, it is expected that student learning of the B.E.S.T. English Language Arts Standards as provided in Rule 6A-1.09401, F.A.C. will improve based on the role of administration (both district and school level), professional development, assessment, curriculum, and instruction as fully depicted in the District CERP. It is also expected that district school board approval of the budget for the Evidence-Based Reading Instruction Allocation will result in the District receiving its allocation of appropriated funds for salaries and benefits, professional development, assessment, programs/materials, tutoring, and incentives pursuant to Section 1011.62(8)(d), F.S., and for supporting K-3 students with substantial deficiencies in reading in accordance with Section 1008.25(3)(a), F.S.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1: Develop a High Quality & Aligned Instructional System

Strategy 1.1 Provide teachers and students with the tools and resources necessary to meet the demands of the Florida Standards and students' individual needs.

Strategy 1.2 Provide diagnostic and prescriptive interventions for differentiated instruction in reading

Strategy 1.3 Prepare all students to be full option graduates who are prepared for college, eligible to enlist in military services, or able to compete in the workforce. 

Goal 5: Develop and support great educators, support personnel, and leaders.   

Strategy 5.2: Provide ongoing training and support for teachers, support staff, and leaders.


That the School Board approve the revision to page 3, line 2 (budget)  2024-2025 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan.

Heather Teto, Chief of Elem. Educ., 904.336.6909
Melanie McIver, Reading Supervisor, 904-336-6965
Financial Impact
+$2,759,237.00 with approval, -$2,759,237.00 without approval
Review Comments
CERP_June 27thAPPROVED.pdf
Revised 2024-2025 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan (CERP).pdf