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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C23 - Contract Services for Stop Loss Insurance

The Clay County School Board transitioned to a self-insured health program effective October 1, 2022. As part of the program, the district is required to maintain reasonable stop-loss insurance for claims over $300,000.

Gap Analysis

In conjunction with the Bailey Group, the District’s third-party administrators, and the Stealth Partner Group, the health insurance underwriting firm, an RFP was submitted for Stop Loss Insurance. At least four carriers submitted their interest under the specific terms and agreements. Accordingly, it is their professional opinion that we renew with WellPoint as the District’s Stop Loss Carrier. The annual fixed premium is $1,661,355, based on a total of 2,867 employee participants. The coverage supports claims over $300,000. The coverage will also include a Gene Therapy Rider, GTS-5, which will protect members in need of five specific gene therapies. The premium for GTS-5 is included in the renewal increase.


2022-2023 PY

2023-2024 PY

2024-2024 Renewal

2024-2025 Proposal

Stop Loss Insurance


Choose Sun Life as a stop-loss carrier at a $300 ISL level.

Renewed Sun Life as a stop-loss carrier at a $300,00 ISL level with a 14.3% increase in rates.

Sun Life offered a renewal at the $300 ISL level with a 9.27% increase in rates.

WellPoint offered a proposal at the $300,000 ISL level with a -7.26% decrease in rates.






Gene Therapy Insurance


Purchased Gene Therapy protection at $1.99 PEPM

Renewed Gene Therapy protection at $1.99 PEPM

Considered a higher level of protection against Gene Therapy at $4.75 PEPM and decided to renew at the current $1.99 PEPM.






Previous Outcomes

The board has maintained the same stop loss level ($300,000 per individual) and stop loss carrier (Sun Life) for the past two plan years of being self-insured. This year, the recommendation is to maintain the individual stop loss level of $300,000 but change the carrier to Wellpoint due to their competitive offer. This is a financial recommendation to save dollars for the health plan. 

Expected Outcomes

The Board to approve the district recommendation to renew the stop loss carrier, Wellpoint with the current deductible level of $300,000 per individual for the 2024-2025 plan year. The board is to approve the renewal of the current Gene Therapy protection at the current $1.99 PEPM rate, which is also included in the annual premiums. 

Strategic Plan Goal

Approve the district to renew at the current $300,000 stop loss level with a new stop loss carrier, Wellpoint, for the 2024-2025 plan year. Approve to renew the current Gene Therapy protection.

Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs. (904) 336-6721;
Financial Impact
The total premium costs $1,661,355 to Wellpoint and is paid monthly beginning October 1, 2024.
Review Comments

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