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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 2, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda

Florida Statutes, State Board Rules and Clay County School Board Policies require Board notification and/or action regarding decisions and recommendations of the Superintendent related to Personnel matters.  Actions regarding personnel have been recommended by Supervisors, approved by the Superintendent and are being forwarded to the Board for action or, if appropriate, for information.  Personnel Actions, Transfer Requests, Pre-employments, Leave Forms or Directives from the Superintendent are available for review in the Human Resources Division.

Gap Analysis

These personnel actions are necessary for the effective operation of the school district.

Previous Outcomes

The Clay County School Board has approved each month a Personnel Consent Agenda which contains appointments, re-appointments, transfers, redesignations, retirements, resignations, and conclude employments.

Expected Outcomes

Approval of the Personnel Consent Agenda.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 5:  Develop and support great educators, support personnel, and leaders.


Initiative 5.1.1 - Recruit and retain highly skilled, qualified, and diverse educators, leaders, and support staff.


To approve the Personnel Consent Agenda.

David S. Broskie, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. (904) 336-6701
Financial Impact
Personnel changes involving already-allocated positions will result in salary impact per the current Board-approved Salary Schedule. This also includes supplemental positions. See current backup for allocation changes for impact of new positions.
Review Comments
Personnel Consent Agenda 4.2.2020.pdf