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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 8, 2022 - School Board Special Meeting (Public Hearing on the Budget)
Agreement for Real Time Access to School Surveillance Camera Footage between the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and the School Board of Clay County to be used in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat

In the event of an active assailant event or other mass casualty threat, it is likely that the Clay County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO), in conjunction with the Clay County District School Police Department (CCDSPD) would need access to the interior live time video feeds that would assist in mounting a response or defense to whatever threat is ongoing. This Agreement provides for the CCSO to have access to live time surveillance camera footage within the school which is under threat. The specific terms and conditions of said use are defined as are the exigencies which must exist before the CCSO, through their administrative channels, may remotely access the live video feeds. This Agreement is necessary to provide for the safety and security of individuals schools, students, and school district personnel.

Gap Analysis

Approval of this Agreement will set the terms upon which the CCSO would be allowed access to live feed school surveillance video, to be used only in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat.

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the approval of this Agreement will allow the CCSO to have access to live feed school surveillance video footage on a need to use basis in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure effective management of the organization, operations, and facilities to maximize the use of resources and promote a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment for Clay County students. 


Approve Agreement for Real-Time Access to School Surveillance Camera Footage between the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and the School Board of Clay County to be used in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat.

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, (904) 336-6853,
Kenneth Wagner, Chief of Police CCDSPD, (904) 336-0101,
Financial Impact
Review Comments