Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School 2233 Village Square Parkway CLOSED Student Hearings begin at 4:00 p.m.
December 15, 2016 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Dec 15 2016 (7:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase
Invocation  (Pastor Ryan Ritzmann, Crossroad Lutheran Church)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
Recognitions and Awards
1. Founders' Week Art Contest Winners
2. Recognize Ms. Batchelor - Lake Asbury Junior High Teacher
3. Recognize Fleming Island High's Swim Team
4. State Jim Harbin Student Media Festival Recognition
School Showcase
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
Consent Agenda
5. C1 - Minutes of Student Hearings on November 17, 2016, and the Organization and Regular Meetings on November 22, 2016
2016 Nov 17 Discipline.pdf (Confidential)
2016 Dec 15 - MINUTES Nov 22 Organization Mtg..pdf
2016 Dec 15 - MINUTES Nov 22 Regular Mtg.pdf
Deputy Superintendent
6. C2 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2016-2017
Allocation Changes 2016-2017.pdf
7. C3 - Florida Safe Schools Assessment Certification - 2016
School Safety Best Practice.pdf (Confidential)
8. C3A - Legislative Priorities
2017 Legislative Priorities.pdf
Human Resources
9. C4 - Personnel Consent Agenda - December 15, 2016
Personnel Consent Agenda 12 15 16.pdf
Instruction-Elementary/Title I
10. C5 - Approval for advertising, amendments to School Board Policy 4.06 and 4.07
4.06 and 4.07 Board Policy Revisions 11_30_16.pdf
Instruction-Instructional Resources
11. C6 - Approve for Advertising the adoption of 2016-2017 Social Studies Textbooks
Social Studies Ad.pdf
Instruction-K-12 Academic
12. C7 - K-12 Academic Support Services - Student Travel
Dec 2016 - Student Travel.pdf
Instruction-Professional Development
13. C8 - Approve Consultant Agreement with Parrish and Associates, Inc.
Parrish & Associates Vita December 2016.pdf
CCSD Consultant Agreement - Parrish & Associates.pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
14. C9 - Budget Amendments for the Month of November 2016
November 2016 Board Impact Stmt.pdf
November 2016 Budget Amendment.pdf
15. C10 - Warrants and Vouchers for November 2016
Nov 2016 Warrants & Vouchers.pdf
16. C11 - Monthly Financial Report for November, 2016
November Financial.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
17. C12 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2016 - Furniture/Equipment
Furniture-Equipment Report-November, 2016.pdf
18. C13 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2016 - AV Materials
Audiovisual Report-November, 2016.pdf
19. C14 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2016 - Software
Software Report-November, 2016.pdf
20. C15 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2016 - Vehicles
Vehicles Report-November, 2016.pdf
21. C16 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - December, 2016
Deletion Report-December, 2016.pdf
Deletion Report (Attachments)-December, 2016.pdf
Support Services-Facilities
22. C17 - Pre-Qualification of Contractors
TableBoardBackup, 12,15,16.pdf
23. C18 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Orange Park Junior High School Parking Lot Lighting Renovation
24. C19 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Doctors Inlet Elementary School Fire Alarm Replacement
Adoption of Consent Agenda
25. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
Discussion Agenda
School Board Member
26. D-A - Review of Board's letter to the Office of Inspector General (Mrs. Kerekes)
Human Resources
27. D1 - Human Resources - Special Action - A
Special Action A 12 15 16.pdf (Confidential)
Business Affairs-Insurance
28. D2 - Health Insurance One Time Premium Holiday from United Healthcare
Premium Holiday Calculation.v2 (2).pdf
Support Services-Facilities
29. D3 - Two Creeks Parcel in OakLeaf Area
Two Creeks Backup.pdf
Scheduled Citizen Requests
School Board Remarks