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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
December 9, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
C14 - Resolution to Dispose of Relocatable Building 96, Room 02 at Ridgeview High School

Relocatable Building 96, room 02 located at Ridgeview High School, currently designated as a restroom is no longer eligible for educational or ancillary purposes due to excessive safety concerns.  It is dilapidated and beyond its service life. In addition, it has been repaired several times and has reached a point in which it is not cost effective to repair, has no commercial value and should be disposed of by the most economic means available.

Gap Analysis

No action would result in student/staff safety concerns and continued unnecessary financial burden.

Previous Outcomes

The School Board has approved the disposal of relocatables in the past.

Expected Outcomes

It is expected the School Board will approve the disposal of relocatable Building 96, Room 02 at Ridgeview High School.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure effective management of the organization, operations, and facilities to maximize the use of resources and promote a safe, efficient and effective learning environment for Clay County students.


Approval for the disposal of relocatable Building 96, Room 02 at Ridgeview High

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, (904) 336-6853,
Michael Kemp, Director of Facility Planning & Construction, (904) 336-6824,
Financial Impact
As budgeted in the Educational Facilities Plan for $19,500.00
Review Comments
Resolution Disposal of Relocatable 02 RHS.pdf