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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
December 9, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
C15 - Elementary School “A” Architect Contract Award

According to School Board Policy, State Requirements for Educational Facilities and Florida Statute, an architect is required to be appointed for this project.  DOE encourages reuse of existing plans where appropriate as a cost saving measure.

Florida Statute and State Board Rules allow an appointment to an architectural firm on a reuse basis as long as the original project design being reused was advertised accordingly.  This is a reuse of the Plans and Specifications for Rideout Elementary School, Coppergate Elementary School, Discovery Oaks Elementary School, and Spring Park Elementary School (Elementary School "R").

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

Architects have been appointed in the past.

Expected Outcomes

Appoint an Architect for Elementary School "A."

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure effective management of the organization, operations, and facilities to maximize the use of resources and promote a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment for Clay County students. 


Appoint Bhide and Hall Architects, P.A., at a fee of 3.7% of the construction cost for Elementary School “A” Architectural Services.

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, (904) 336-6853,,
Michael Kemp, Director of Facilities Planning & Construction, (904) 336-6824,
Financial Impact
All funding necessary for the Architectural fees resulting from this contract are budgeted within the Educational Facilities Plan. The District’s estimated construction cost is $28,250,000.00. The architectural fees are estimated to be $1,045,250.00.
Review Comments
Elementary A Architect Contract.pdf